


2,105 comments posted · 20 followers · following 4

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Megyn Kelly So Mean To... · 0 replies · +7 points

A box of hammers is WAY smarter than a box of Cheneys.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 1 reply · +9 points

More familiar names than avatars. There's been a lot of change here. Maybe a little hope, too.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 1 reply · +9 points

I can haz journamalism?

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +7 points

O. M. G. Make it so, #1.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +6 points

And, for Mr. Unskewed, no 21st century.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +13 points

That is so constitutiononamal! Freedom!

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +10 points

Hands, flashlight, broad-daylight, ass. Missed it by that much.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 1 reply · +11 points

I miss Rummie, probably because I need a sight-adjustment.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +9 points

Good to be back, g-wompr. Nice to see familiar avatars and spit-take into my chocolate milk again.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Steals Election,... · 0 replies · +17 points

Good question. Can't recall. Not without consulting my lawyer, anyway. [Covers microphone, leans away to talk to white-collar-crime specialist, leans back into microphone]. I'll stand on that answer, Senator.