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14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +3 points

You may be right, but I still want to believe that Glen is one of those very few God's talented individuals who could do both jobs wonderfully. So far he is in broadcasting league of his own (nobody can hold a candle to him) and .... he still manages his own business.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 2 replies · +3 points

I would never want him to win an election &.... shut up. I truly believe that he could help America Freedom even better if he held an office AND continued broadcasting to more than 10 million audience.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +2 points

“By any means necessary” Hussein tightens up the muzzle. Soon we'll be watching "community organizations" (Acorn, etc.) storming and occupying to shut down Fox News (that's exactly what's happening, as we speak, in Venezuela, under comrade Hugo Chavez).

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 4 replies · +3 points

Independent President, Senator, Representative. Why it offends you?

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 6 replies · +3 points

Glen can continue broadcasting while in Washington.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 12 replies · +7 points

Obama’s “arts” – soon socrealism!
Glenn Beck’s Monday’s revealing of Obama’s backhanding of American artists to serve his agenda is outright illegal and serves as more than efficient evidence for impeachment! The investigation, once again, proves how vigilant should everyone be about ALL moves instigated by Obama. He has been following letter-by-letter well proven script to Marxist totalitarian power grab. - Control media, “community organizations” (Acorn), unions, banks, businesses (GM, Chrysler), data on people’s believes, health and now - the “artists”.
History is repeating itself in analogy to what the soviets imposed in all enslaved lands. All “artists” , without exception, had to “serve the country” by completely submitting their creations for communism propaganda and brainwash. This is pure “Leninism” - forcing the arts to “serve the communism”. Under communism there was only one, single form of “art” - soc-realism, glorifying the communist leadership and communists ideas and viciously attacking all descending views. That was reflected in all façades of arts: broadcasting, film, theatre (see the German Oscar-winning film “The lives of others”), literature, satire, music, paintings, sculpture (see the Polish movie “The Man of Marble”). The communist governments used to reward their clowns and lackeys generously while all artists not following the communist directives 100% were made unemployed and imprisoned.
Obama already controls just about 100% of American comedy scene (volunteering-for-Obama-clowns like Bill Maher, Letterman, Stewart, Moore, etc.).
The Obama lackeys from the National Endowment for the Arts know that their offer of “services” is criminal – therefore they talk worrying about “legalities” of their acts and a “new language” that would camouflage their true objectives.
This must be the biggest Obama political scandal yet! This time he was caught red-handed, with a smoking gun in his hand!
Where are the Republicans voicing America’s outrage in Washington and across the country and demanding independent investigation of this taxpayer-founded, Marxist, Hugo Chavez-style, totalitarian power grab?
(Many may not trust GOP, but the Republicans currently are THE ONLY dissenting OFFICIAL political group left).
Glenn Beck has become the greatest American symbol of resistance to totalitarianism. He must consider running for Washington. Nobody would stand a chance to win against him!

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +2 points

Castro is an example the fact that once a marxist grab power - it ALWAYS marks the end of elections/democracy. Hussein is simply following the pattern of "younger" Castro - Venezuela Hugo Chavez. Once you become President, crush, silence the opposition AND ALL THE CRITICAL MEDIA. CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION, so you can stay in power forever. It’s really a simple script but somehow blinding all the media (except Fox) and most Americans. The same "script" has been used for communist power grab in Nicaragua, Bolivia, Equator, Brazil. Hussein will not allow a fair 2010 congressional election - that's why he has been so madly rushing with all the insane legislations. By 2010 election troops of “community activists" will ensure silence of the opposition and the election fraud. Let's pray that, indeed, the American Sleeping Giant will awaken to fight back on Sept. 12 March on Washington. We must stop just watching and weeping, we MUST start acting!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - July 16 · 0 replies · +1 points

It's so disturbing that even on Fox, some commentators (eg. yesterday on O'Reilly) grade Sotomayor A- or with other high marks. Here are SO OBVIOUS Sotomayor problems that CLEARLY came up during these hearings.

1) Her ALL answers to tougher questions are outright lies with disregard to what she has been saying all her life. She mocks common sense by terminological twisting and spinning, maintaining that “black” spoken in the past should be, in fact, understood as “white”, etc.
2) The woman just loves "blowing her own horn" as she were the greatest mind in history that simply can't make a mistake. She talks about HERSELF only in superlatives. Where is the required humbleness of an American judge?
3) She looks retarded, with the most insincere lemon-car salesman face in the history of American television.
4) Sotomayor wouldn’t know sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and humbleness even if it sat on her lap.

Do the above mentioned “commentators” want Fox Nation to accept a new Supreme Court judge who is, WITHOUT DOUBT, unconscionable out-and-out liar, spinMaister and a buffoon?

O'Reilly should remember that his suppose to be a "no spin" zone. That A- was derived from utter spin (spin as an antonym to truth and common sense).

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · +2 points

Sheeple (=sheep people) never know that they are being lead to slaughter.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · +1 points

Never despair nor loose hope. Nobody can fool so many for a long time. The pyramid of nonsense will fall sooner than its architects think.