


13 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - villain on a budget · 0 replies · +25 points

One hundred and seventeen dollars, Mr. Bond. You were wondering what it cost.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - cthulhu cheats · 0 replies · +8 points

Cthulhu is using a non-Euclidean die to roll absurdly high numbers, like 47s; I have never played D&D, so it is not necessary to get the comic.

Then again, maybe I'm completely missing the real joke which is 100x funnier, but this explanation works for me.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - chainsawsuit watches i... · 0 replies · +26 points

After a serious head injury, Matt wakes up to find that he has forgotten the definitions of every word. Only by constant work with his family and friends will he be able to rebuild the connections in his brain, and probably win a competition or save an orphanage or something. Can he master... Apples to Apples?

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - climbing rocks · 0 replies · +13 points

Still a work in progress, don't judge me yet. Eventually I'd like to get them to sort of shoot fire at you. But, you know, small steps.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - winter up north · 0 replies · +2 points

No, it's a 144-hour clock. They're just less common than 72-hour clocks.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - the worst customer · 0 replies · +3 points


12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - ambien NM · 0 replies · +9 points

It is as though the "colour" did not truly exist, but was merely an invention of the mind. A small gift from higher beings, something that would eliminate but one of the many things which could drive us mad with a swift glance... magenta.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - guys night out · 0 replies · +41 points

Hello, ladies. You want some tickets to the gun show? I'm not interested, but I don't want these to go to waste.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - the saddest french · 0 replies · +5 points

This guy does everything he can to seem French, but people simply refuse to believe him. Hercule Poirot would be jealous.

12 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - saw in summary · 0 replies · +10 points

Except for the victims who don't agree, then you get to watch someone else maim them. It's thrilling.