


34 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - The Relationship Equation · 0 replies · +1 points

Mmmhmmn A lot of people think they can maintain their selfishness in a relationship and take the "me time" and "my needs" too far. And I think people look for perfection in a relationship instead of that balance.People should figure out their priorities and how their variables will add to 100.

The variables don't scare me much. They should represent the obstacles you will face as you grow. Nothings prefect. I think if there is commitment on both ends you can get it back to as close to 100 as possible.

Math is not my strongest subject- I could care less. And here you have me talking like I am confident anything I just said made sense. lmao

On a side note, can I fed ex you my ipod to fill? You seem like you got a good section! j/k hahaha.

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - King of Music · 0 replies · +1 points

Great work. Yea, I feel bad that he was the laughing stock for the purpose of making careers out of his career. Media and Impersonators. That's the price of fame. I commend him for at least staying humbled through it all.

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - Interracial. · 1 reply · +1 points

I have never dates white but i have puertorican and half Asian. Not too out box but still. My family is diverse. especially on my moms side. Before my grandma my family was 100 venezualian and scottish. So I do think its totally racist to be against interracial dating. But preference is a difference story...

The Mr. 's mom always says "if she cant use your comb...dont bring her home" I hate that. And when its not about that....its light vs dark skinned issue. I hate that

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - The Opposite Sex Best ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow. That's crazy. even If I didn't like the legitimately best friend, I would still make sure they were invited to the wedding. That's life for you. I would hate to have my spouse resent me because I made him not invite someone I assume he cared about. I think there are some cases where friendships should be sacrificed for health of the relationship. But this didn't sound like one of those issues. I haven't had a GOOD male friend in a long time. They always seem to have different intentions. So for now I think I am gonna forget about having best friends of the opposite sex. Doesn't work for me. Actually same sex best friends don't work for me either. lol At least I have my fiancee...

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - The Blogging Conundrum · 0 replies · +1 points

Yea its hard. I know what you mean. I feel like the people who know me and read don't even comment. They just lurk ing....waiting for me to say something about them. I have thought about creating one and not telling anyone but I would still like to keep a few old readers. Please don't go. You don't have to write all the time. Keep it neutral....I know that's whack... but I need to being completely bias for the betterment of your readers like myself. LOL

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - Reciprocity · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not much of a taker or a giver. I am very picky about what and who I give to. That is a gooooo idea. I want a blog refresh myself. And I kind of want to remove a lot of the old posts. I didn't know you can put things back into draft after its been published. You must show me.

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - Back Like Crooked Crack · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow big news! I have been ghost myself so I didn't notice exceeeeeeeopt on twitter. lol I though you were progressing on there?? hahaha I can believe I am going hard on there now....people I know use it, so I am stuck!. TTYL!

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - Mr(s). Me Too: The Dea... · 1 reply · +1 points

BRAVO... I don't know if I said this before I will say this again... I saw people talk about certain kinds of blogs and then comment all over the same kind saying "I love your blog" ...but wait, didn't you just say you don't like those kind of blogs. This person clearly took shots at this person's hobby and then "smiled" on their comments. People are dick riding because they want readers. Afraid if they don't say what people want see...then they wont have readers...who cares? This is definitely a popularity contest...some actually wanting real fans!'

and the award goes to......

Teems...out! lol

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - Way Back Machine: 1995 · 1 reply · +1 points

we can always count on you! Good stuff! And you get extra cool points for my uncle's first major record being played on your play list at the same time! (not an artist but a producer) hehe

15 years ago @ Quiescence of Solitude - The Absence of Evidenc... · 1 reply · +1 points