


125 comments posted · 2 followers · following 3

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Endgame · 1 reply · +1 points

Although this may sound petty, I'm glad that you weren't raptured as I had feared.

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - So... what have you be... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sigh, if only you were omnipotent, Jim.


13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Turning the Tables · 0 replies · +3 points

Have you been thinking it for the past five comics?

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Turning the Tables · 4 replies · +9 points

It's rather apt that the vipers were killed by a mongoose.

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Ambush · 1 reply · +3 points

No April Fools special featuring Reclaimer's death/wedding-to-Ferial.

Jim, I am disappoint.

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Ambush · 0 replies · +2 points

This is the part when the Tag-lookalike standing off to the side moans "Braaains..."

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Ambush · 1 reply · +2 points

Maybe once or twice.

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Side Effects · 11 replies · 0 points

It would be so cool if Reclaimer and Forky teamed up against Ferial.

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Takedown · 4 replies · +1 points

I just noticed that the like button is gone. I wonder how long it's been like that...

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Takedown · 6 replies · +1 points

I think of Ferial as the sinister, yet refined Englishman villian-type.

Except he's an ancient alien in the body of another alien and stuff.