


76 comments posted · 11 followers · following 9

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Shari, I understand about getting on the wrong forum. This particular system of commenting is unusually difficult to navigate! And I have trouble finding things on the Change.gov site itself. Sorry about your ex-they do often have a way of getting to ex family in the worst possible way while appearing saintly to everyone else, don't they?

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 2 replies · +1 points

48% Solution, I think I may have to agree with you that government bailouts are probably slowing down the economic recovery. I worry that spewing trillions of dollars into the economy at this juncture may cause inflation or even stagflation.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 2 replies · +2 points

But they are managing (over managing?) it now if indeed the regulations I speculated about earlier exist. If those regulations don't exist, then hooray and let the restaurants and the volunteers go for it however they want to do it. But if you don't want government managing waste food distribution, why are you not for deregulation in this area? Wouldn't that be a reduction of government's role in an area in which you feel it has no business anyway? Also, the question for this forum was “How can government be a better supporter of the work that you’re doing?” so this is something governemt could do to help in that area. The general discussion forum would be the place to address the far more important constitutional responsibilities that you are concerned about.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 5 replies · +2 points

Get A Life, That's sort of what happens with the county home for the aged here where I live-they accept official donations at the front door, but if you have something they can't accept oficially, like opened containers of food, they will take it at the back door. They are so desperate that they will take just about anything. I just wish there could be a way to relax regulations enough so that they needy could benefit from food that restaurants are throwing away while still safeguarding them (the needy ones) from food born illnesses. I know from my short stint as a nurse at the local health department that a lot of food born illnesses result from improper storage and handling. Maybe if the restaurant only donated items, like bread, that didn't need refrigeration. I think what you suggested about the volunteers coordinating efforts with the restaurants for pick up at the point of trash collection is a viable short term solution, though.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 1 reply · +1 points

Shari, I think you must have meant to post this comment on the general discussion forum. Somehow it got posted on the service forum.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Where would somebody who can't afford heat get $65,000 for a solar generator?

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Join the Discussion: S... · 7 replies · +2 points

I've heard that restaurants can't donate left over food because of some kind of freshness/quality regulations. I'm not sure about this, but if it IS some kind of law that prohibits donation of food from restaurant kitchens then maybe we could change or relax that law in these terrible economic times.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - AHCA- Long Term Care |... · 0 replies · +1 points

If I understand this correctly, this bill is going to cut out Medicare payment for ambulance services for people in nursing homes. What is the good of that? How are these people supposed to be transported to the hospital if they need to go there from the skilled nursing facility in an emergency situation? Or does the fact that they are in a skilled nursing facility mean that they are no longer allowed to have emergency care and needed hospitalization?

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

I just heard on CNN that one bank is giving its executive bonuses out in the form of the same bad securities that they sold to their customers. Anybody else think this type of thing is a good idea? I think some of the mortgage companies could sell their corporate jets and forego executive bonuses alltogether this year. They could use the money to build up goodwill for their businesses by refinancing mortgages for all their customers who were sold misleading and unfair mortgages.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +1 points

I live in a rural area and I would love to be able to jump on a train and go visit my daghter in the city about 3 hours away. Or go to the small city forty five minutes from here. Of course I am one of those wierd old ladies who doesn't like driving.