


2,741 comments posted · 9 followers · following 13

10 years ago @ Kit Up! - Sig Sauer's Leap into ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey, good for you, you like the glocks.......

I can't take the 2x4 sightline............ throws my concentration and siteline off.........but thats' me

I love my colt gold cups and the p99 ............... have had to use both in close contact..........and have total comfort with either..............although 45 is preference

but, somebody, other than the cops, have to buy the glocks...........keep them in business

wonder why the glockbots are so "applefanboy" acting about them......... guess its a persecution complex

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Dark Muslim Brothe... · 0 replies · +10 points

and mccain wonders he did not get a lot of the support from the real American when he ran for second place

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Dark Muslim Brothe... · 0 replies · +14 points

is that you...........obama ..................... or just another of the obama mob of America haters?

12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Obama Drops His Name I... · 0 replies · +4 points

the PUNK known as obama just never ceases to amaze me......................it is very depressing for America

12 years ago @ YOLOHUB - 19 Signs That America ... · 0 replies · -2 points

welcome to OBAMALAND

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +24 points

as America takes another hit.................AB will be missed

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Greek unions walk out,... · 0 replies · +11 points

I cant wait till the greece thing hits obama and his unions

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Megaupload boss calls ... · 1 reply · +14 points

so obama's crony capitalism is supporting hollywood in terrorizing a foreign citizen.............guess Americans are next

anything for OBAMA CORRUPTION payoffs to his buddies

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Google\'s Schmidt warn... · 0 replies · +1 points

now even the obamanuts want quota O to back off taking more of their freedoms away..............may be hope for the loons afterall.............scary to believe that 40% of Americans still support oblamo

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Airline industry split... · 0 replies · +38 points

it is guaranteed that obama had a hand in the EU new tax scam on American companies

Is America going to make it to 11/2012?

Can America wait till 11/2012?