


1,081 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Green Bay Alderman Wil... · 0 replies · +4 points

He, of course, was founder and remains president emeritus of the Douchebag Student Association, which boasts a huge membership.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Sarah Palin On Speed: ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I was thinking of Morrissey's "The World is Full of Crashing Bores" but she is not crashing her car enough.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Wingnut Lawyer Decides... · 1 reply · +14 points

Another reason to loathe this guy: his bill-collector firm, Peroutka & Peroutka. I have had to actually send this douchecanoe a check before.

Last time I ever put a lifetime subscription to on Visa!

10 years ago @ Wonkette - A Quick Reminder Of Wo... · 0 replies · +4 points

You have not missed it, but you can still miss it tomorrow if you want

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Old Bald Liberal Jews ... · 0 replies · +14 points

And so a noogie was averted, thanks to our brave lawman.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Everyone In Congress C... · 7 replies · +52 points

Why am I not surprised he is wearing the ne plus ultra in douche-wear, the blue shirt with white collar?

11 years ago @ Wonkette - No, GM Is Not Losing $... · 0 replies · +7 points

I spent about 5 minutes reading this post plus comments. I make $12/hr, so that means that reading this cost me, the way I figure it, $60,000 (5 minutes=$1.00; I'm 42 and will probably work another 30 years, 40 hrs a week 50 weeks a year, so, carry the one and... Yep: $60,000.) Can I have a job at the Blaze now?

11 years ago @ Wonkette - World's Worst Woman An... · 2 replies · +68 points

Her plan for eradicating poverty is to eat poor people, clearly.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Your Monday Caption Co... · 0 replies · +12 points

Why is Paul Ryan wearing his favorite pyjamas out in the woods?

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Your Monday Caption Co... · 0 replies · +16 points

"Rep. Paul Ryan Bravely Saves Town from Vicious Deer, Makes Love to Carcass"