


32 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 224 - Uncloaked Mysteries · 1 reply · +1 points

Which number comic is that?

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 223 - Final Moves · 11 replies · +1 points

I guess I had just been expecting more explanation after 206. After rereading it now, it makes more sense. I guess that before I thought we would find out exactly why Ferial wants the Cavalcada. I mean, sure they're powerful, but I'm not sure they'd be willing to help him in his evil plots, and if they could resist him alone, I'm sure they'd be able to resist him united.

To sum that up, I thought Portent wasn't quite done telling Reclaimer how he was making a mistake by collecting him.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 223 - Final Moves · 13 replies · +1 points


Now do we get to find out what those gravlifts are for? And what happened when Reclaimer got Portent?

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 222 - Weakness · 0 replies · +1 points

Will Tran ever be able to split? I liked being able to hear her Texas-y accent.
When do we get to finally find out what happened when Reclaimer reached Portent?

On a side note, I just read the last 7 comics in a row to catch up. Great work!

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 211 - Prey · 0 replies · +1 points

I know this is a little late, but I've just been catching up.
In the transcript it says the laser is targeting Score, but it's actually targeting Tag (right?).
Otherwise, great job. Time to read the newest ones!

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 207 - Perdition · 4 replies · +1 points

Nooo!!! I want to know what was gonna happen to RC! And now I'm really confused!

And yet I'm satisfied because I got another sweet comic! :D

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 206 - Foreordination · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, yeah. I remember that now...

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 206 - Foreordination · 11 replies · +1 points

Finally Reclaimer finds it out after us knowing for a hundred or so comics.

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 204 - Executing Mimic · 0 replies · +1 points

I wasn't very upset with the cliffhanger. Probably because after reading this comic for a while, I've gotten used to them, and there have been worse ones.

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 201 - Death · 2 replies · +1 points

Reclaimer's in for a surprise too; his plan worked better than he thought since Ferial now thinks he's dead! :D