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11 years ago @ Wonkette - CNN Taking Revenge On ... · 1 reply · +12 points

Don't forget this is the very same Jeff Zucker who f*@ked over Conan with all of that Leno/Tonight Show screwing around.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Livebloggenning the El... · 0 replies · +4 points

Just have to say, as a months-and-months-long creeper-but-not-commenter from ye olde Canada, who has watched (for years) your country with fascination, affection, and horror, that the above hilarious fucking album cover made me finally want to comment here and say cheers. And Christ on crutches are we ever relieved by the outcome of your election! Peace out :^) ... really, when I get up tomorrow I'm sharing that image hahahahahaaaaa it's priceless...

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Sun News Network's big... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's bleeding PKP dry. How long a slog will he go for before throwing in the towel? 4000 average viewers at a time does not a network make.

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Michael Ignatieff land... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sooooo, all professors = brainwashers?

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Hey look: In which the... · 0 replies · +2 points

Excellent analysis Wells. Top-drawer! The next four years are going to be fascinating. I can't see the NDP maintaining it's new-found strength. The Conservatives are in for at least one more election win before the left either picks one party to back fully or continues to split the vote in the Conservatives' favour. Harper 2019 anyone?

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Hey look: In which the... · 0 replies · +3 points

OMG I thought the finish of the election would get rid of spammers here at MacLeans. Guess not.

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The untold story of th... · 0 replies · 0 points

Sun TV is a bust, good luck with that. And is it possible for Robertson or Mansbridge to have sucked up to the PM more? This whole "media hates the Cons" thing is in your imagination.

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The untold story of th... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sun TV is dead on arrival. It's got an average of only about 6000 viewers at a time. Anyhow, you're right about Jack. I personally don't care if he went for a happy ending -style massage (prostitution, like drugs, should be legalized, regulated and taxed.) But he's no saint, cane or not. I've said it before and I;ll say it again-- he's the used car salesmen of sanctimony.

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Bartender MP in NDP bo... · 0 replies · +6 points

Another thing in her favour is that being a single mom working as a bartender, she's certainly familiar with the basic costs of things like milk and gas and so forth-- things that her constituents directly feel in their wallets. My hunch is that most front-bench politicians don't pay close enough attention to stuff like that.

13 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Bartender MP in NDP bo... · 2 replies · +6 points

Well, aprat from her age-- which shouldn't be an issue actually-- her motivations for running for Parliament seem a touch dubious. I've been guilty of piling on about this myself-- because her election victory is both sublime and ridiculous at the same time. People should reserve judgment until she's had a bit of time in her new job. Maybe she'll be great, who knows? I guess I'll lay off the jokes for now until she has a chance to learn-on-the-fast and demonstrate competence.