


111 comments posted · 4 followers · following 3

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Humpday Challenge: Bun... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow man, that's awesome! :D I'll have to read them later when I get the chance.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Stored Potential · 0 replies · +1 points

You just broke it.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - An Empty Room · 3 replies · +1 points

My bad, I'm now realizing that I have forgotten exactly what happened in Part 4, mistaking Black Sector for the HQ the Reclaimer was speaking of. My apologies for the mix-up.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - An Empty Room · 5 replies · +1 points

Oh, no. With that comment I was speaking of the Stone Epitaph arc, and merely meant returning to when I said retreating.

This comic mentions that they cannot detect what Ferial is storing there, so it is safe to say he knows of the bubble. To me, at least, it wouldn't make much sense for this to be Black Sector, as it wouldn't necessarily be a safe reprieve.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - An Empty Room · 9 replies · +1 points

Well, logically, time moves solely forward, there is no reverse, just the infinite possibilities of every possible divergent point, though I guess that would technically be going to different universes, which is what our friend Jim here is trying to stay away from. Only thing I see wrong with that theory, though, is that if it's of Ferial's possession, why would the Reclaimer be retreating to there, if he could be there at any moment?

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - An Empty Room · 21 replies · +1 points

Actually, that little section actually didn't have much to do with whats happening in this page, at least as far as we know. That was a small 'jump' in time. Hopefully, we will learn what lead to that and the following events soon after Reach is released.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Reclaimer - Delayed · 1 reply · +1 points

Sorry for your loss, Jim. I know how you feel. What kind of dog was it? (I want to say Sheperd?)

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 235 - Viral Anarchy · 4 replies · +1 points

By the looks of it, it seems to all be from the one image, just altered in whatever way, be it color shifted or cropped.

Edit: Or, at taken from the exact same spot (speaking of the last two frames)

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 223 - Final Moves · 10 replies · +1 points

Very nice, Jim. Enjoyed this little stretch. However - I have a hunch the roadblocks in this section are far from cleared.. Never did find out (or did and I just am blanking at the moment) just what made Bold that way, or what happened to Tag and Score, and where they wandered off to.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 213 - Slavemind · 0 replies · +1 points

Very nice, Jim. Enjoyed this little stretch. However - I have a hunch the roadblocks in this section are far from cleared.. Never did find out (or did and I just am blanking at the moment) just what made Bold that way, or what happened to Tag and Score, and just where they happened to wander off to.