


52 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - How I Learned the Trut... · 0 replies · +1 points

Spot on.

13 years ago @ Shaun in the City - The Myth of Jesus & Cr... · 0 replies · +1 points

I, for one, wouldn't be able to separate when I was being a critic in a righteous way, and when I was just being mean. Moreover, I'd probably end up being more of a stumbling block than anything actually productive coming out of what I said.

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Reacting to Anne Rice. · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah, no worries. Doesn't rain on my parade at all.

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Reacting to Anne Rice. · 2 replies · +1 points

Yes, I think it is the going "fad" to oppose, reject, apologize for (etc.) Christianity while claiming to hold to Christ.

It's sad that we can so easily overlook the fact that there are Christians our there who do live up to the "high-flying rhetoric" and actually do love their neighbors and turn the other cheeks. I guess it's true, those who bark the loudest...

The church has it's fair share of hypocritical leaders. It has it's fair share of people highlighting one sin over the other, but it also has it's fair share of people who legitimately care. And I'm left to wonder if taking positions such as this one do anything to better the body of Christ.

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Reacting to Anne Rice. · 1 reply · +1 points

Claiming to not like something is a bit different than rejecting and abandoning it completely. The two quotes aren't even comparable in reality. One is claiming to follow Christ while the other would say it was, "your" Christ.

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Reacting to Anne Rice. · 7 replies · +1 points

I wonder how long this fad of being anti-Christian/church, pro-Christ is going to last?

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Win a free iPad from C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Charlie St. Cloud

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Win 6 different books ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't quite remember when I started reading. It has been a while, but not more than 6 months. I remember first stumbled upon the blog and reading as much as I could in one sitting, while holding my side from the laughter.

Good times.

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - The guy who takes cred... · 2 replies · +2 points

"prayed her pregnant"

This may or may not randomly appear in a sermon on prayer in the future.

Loved this post!

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Win 5 autographed Crai... · 0 replies · +1 points

Forgotten God by Franis Chan was the last book I completely read. Just started Mark Driscoll's Religion Saves.

Great giveaway!