


28 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +1 points

It was a great interview, Tom. But it was too short. They should have had you on for at least two hours, if not the entire show.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +1 points

It was a great interview, Tom, but it was too short. You didn't get a chance to really expand on your ideas much. They should have had you on for at least two hours, if not the entire show.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +1 points

It's clever, but if it's an attempt to wake people up it's falling flat. Any voter in America who isn't aware that Obama is a radical socialist falls into one of two categories. A) Brain dead or B) the tens of millions of voters who voted for him precisely because he's a socialist. It's a good laugh for the true GOP believers, but it's not going to change a thing.

Look, we have to swear off this illusion that we're still living in Norman Rockwell's America, and fixing this mess is just a matter of alerting hard working, productive Americans to what's going on. Norman Rockwell is dead, and so is the country he painted. There are simply too many freeloaders now for us to outvote them. It's not going to happen. And every year they make up a bigger and bigger percentage of the electorate. And even if we could, the GOP is simply a watered down brand of socialism.

That's why I say everyone needs to read Starving The Monkeys. Listen to the radio interview Tom Baugh did that I linked to above. Check out his website at and see if he doesn't make a lot of sense.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 6 replies · +2 points

I just discovered that Starving The Monkeys author Tom Baugh did a rado interview the other night on a show called (appropriately enough!) The Political Cesspool. You can listen to the hour long interview here.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 1 reply · +1 points

This is the completely wrong approach. It's futile to try to organize a "grassroots" movement. Most people simply don't care as long as they have beer in their fridge and can watch sports and American Idol on their big screen TV. And those are the Republicans. Scores of millions of voters LIKE the way America is going, and want more socialism.

And anyone who is disappointed that John McCain didn't win, and thinks things would be going well if he were in office, hasn't even begun to understand just how bad the crisis is. The GOP isn't the solution, it's one half of the problem.

The Book That Will Change America

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 2 replies · +1 points

Well, we wouldn't save billions. There aren't that many Congressmen, and their pensions aren't that big. We could save a few million. Social Security is going to bankrupt the nation anyway; so it's odd to see that pointed to as some sort of solution. Pensions and retirement programs never work for very long; they can't. Adults need to provide for their parents, just as their parents took care of them growing up, and quit looking for the government to do our job for us.

This is why we're in this mess. Because conservatives think Social Security is a good thing. No, it's socialism, theft, and Big Brother. It's tough to oppose big government and still support one of the biggest, most destructive, most socialistic programs in world history.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Books · 0 replies · +3 points

If you want to understand the crux of the crisis facing America, you've got to read a book called Starving The Monkeys.. The author hits the nail on the head - we don't surround them, they surround us. America hasn't been a nation of rugged individualists for a long, time. The takers now outnumber the makers, and we each only get one vote. Do the math.

We are not going to be able to vote ourselves out of this situation, even if the GOP really stood for small government, which they don't. They simply stand for a little less of whatever the Dems want. Because if they really stood for freedom and small government, they'd never win any elections at all.

Check out Starving The Monkeys, at

Once you read it, you'll never look at politics the same way again. And you'll know that there's only one way to fix the problem, and it's not through voting.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +4 points

If we want to stand up and lead, we need to make sure we're going in the right direction. Leading people to get more involved in politics as some sort of solution is wrong. It won't work, and it will simply waste precious time and resources. Anyone who thinks that there's a political solution to the crisis we're facing simply doesn't understand the problem.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Books · 1 reply · +1 points

I once thought it was a good book. But Machen missed the fundamental insight, which is that Christianity IS liberalism. Name a church in America that was orthodox evanangelical two hundred years ago and still is. There may be a handful, but they are rare exceptions. Almost all churches wind up in the same place; it's just a matter of how long it takes them to get there. For a much better book, go to

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Tea Parties · 0 replies · +1 points

What are these tea parties supposed to accomplish, exactly?