Chris Farrell

Chris Farrell


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8 years ago @ Birther Report - Bloody Sunday: Huckabe... · 13 replies · +18 points

I'm Donald Trump's single biggest supporter and I have to say he mis-stated one thing: John McCain was NOT born on a United States military base in the Panama Canal Zone.

As I understand it McCain was born in a Panamanian hospital in Colon, Panama then several days later moved with his mother back onto the American submarine base where his father was stationed.

I don't find it difficult to accept that the world received John McCain from Panama's colon.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Trump Iowa Co-C... · 7 replies · +16 points

Trump should have responded to the man who crudely posed a question regarding Obama's past with the following words:

"It is interesting that Obama publicized himself for some 16-or-so years as having been born in what is now called Kenya. I mean..., I have a publicist..., lots of people do. They are not private investigators. They don't research their clients. A person fills out biographical forms--standard forms--from which a publicist or literary agent gleans whatever material it is that they deem most beneficial for portraying their client in the best light. So if Obama was lying for 16 years--I don't know. I know that Obama and Hillary were CO-SPONSORS of Senate Resolution 511 that was necessary for John McCain to be considered eligible to run for the office of president. There was no question as to whether John McCain was a citizen of the United States of America, only as to whether or not he could legally be regarded as a constitutionally eligible natural born citizen. Funny how the wording of Article II in the Constitution distinguishes those two categories as decidedly different: Citizen and Natural born citizen."

Trump missed an opportunity--a softball thrown at him as it were--to shine the light ever so incrementally upon the issue that could take Jindal, Rubio, Cruz, Santorum, and Niki Haley immediately out of consideration for the office of President of the United States of America, and too pave the way for PRESIDENT TRUMP to issue an executive order for an investigation to be undertaken into the criminal usurpation of the office of president of the United States of America by a constitutionally ineligible fraud.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Trump Iowa Co-C... · 0 replies · +11 points

Trump should have responded to the man who crudely posed a question regarding Obama's past with the following words:

"It is interesting that Obama publicized himself for some 16-or-so years as having been born in what is now called Kenya. I mean..., I have a publicist..., lots of people do. They are not private investigators. They don't research their clients. A person fills out biographical forms--standard forms--from which a publicist or literary agent gleans whatever material it is that they deem most beneficial for portraying their client in the best light. So if Obama was lying for 16 years--I don't know. I know that Obama and Hillary were CO-SPONSORS of Senate Resolution 511 that was necessary for John McCain to be considered eligible to run for the office of president. There was no question as to whether John McCain was a citizen of the United States of America, only as to whether or not he could legally be regarded as a constitutionally eligible natural born citizen. Funny how the wording of Article II in the Constitution distinguishes those two categories as decidedly different: Citizen and Natural born citizen."

Trump missed an opportunity--a softball thrown at him as it were--to shine the light ever so incrementally upon the issue that could take Jindal, Rubio, Cruz, Santorum, and Niki Haley immediately out of consideration for the office of President of the United States of America, and too pave the way for PRESIDENT TRUMP to issue an executive order for an investigation to be undertaken into the criminal usurpation of the office of president of the United States of America by a constitutionally ineligible fraud.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Report: Two U.S. House... · 0 replies · +7 points

Yeah, me too. Agent Kirk--I only remember his name because of the association with Star Trek--and another agent visited me in 2009 at Emeril's Delmonico in New Orleans regarding comments I had made while calling in to Jeff Crouere's AM radio show, 'Ringside Politics with a Punch.' Apparently we can no longer 'take off the gloves' in the political arena without fear of the Gestapo--the 'Thought Police'--knocking on our door.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Full Video: Scuffle Br... · 1 reply · +4 points

Got this out too late. Meant to get it out so that somebody would ask Trump the following. Maybe at his next speech, Eh?

If you are present in Arizona when Trump speaks with Sheriff Joe could you please ask the Donald:

"Mr. Trump, If elected to the office of president would you consider the evidence uncovered by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold-Case Posse and, should you find that evidence sufficiently compelling, sign an executive order initiating an investigation into the manufactured electronic file which Mr. Obama posted on the official White House website as purported authentication of his supposed constitutional eligibility to be president?

Would you, should that amateurishly fabricated electronic file along with the fraudulently manufactured Selective Service Registration Form which Mr. Obama did proffer as purported authentication that he is in fact a constitutionally eligible natural born citizen--and this after former US Army surgeon Dr. Terry Lee Lakin, formerly Lieutenant Colonel Terrance Lakin, was imprisoned, stripped of his rank, and dishonorably discharged from service to his country for simply requesting authentication that his purported commander-in-chief did in fact legally occupy said position so that he could be sure that the orders he was following were in fact legal orders--convince you that an ineligible individual has criminally usurped the office of POTUS by means of fraud, and that Mr. Obama's criminal conspiracy to contravene the Constitution has been covered-up and continues to be covered-up by forgeries proceed by means of issuing an additional executive order retroactively abrogating BOTH of the illegal elections of Mr. Barry Soetoro, or as his mother listed his name in one of her U.S. Passports 'Soebarkah,' a.k.a. Mr. Barack Hussein Osama..., I mean Obama?

Would you then proceed as president of the United States of America to retroactively negate the illegal appointments of the two Supreme Court justices who were illegally appointed by the Manchurian Muslim Mulatto and Messiah to Marxists from Mombasa while in the commission of his criminal usurpation of the presidency and ongoing conspiracy to contravene the Constitution?"

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Gallups Update: Sherif... · 5 replies · +10 points

With all due respect to Capt. Barnett and company at birtherreport, but the commander of Sheriff Joe's volunteer Cold-Case-Posse said on 'Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups,' and I don't have the link or citation, I simply remember him saying so, that credible info. would be released through Pastor Gallups and/or ppsimmons.

That in mind, I think that both are reliable sources as well as of course.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Gallups Update: Sherif... · 4 replies · +14 points

Remember that meeting with Obama of all but one of the then members of the Supreme Court? I think it was Bob Unruh who wrote on it here at

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Gallups: Sheriff Arpai... · 0 replies · +2 points

Killing me!

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Gallups: Sheriff Arpai... · 0 replies · +2 points

They have already done a great deal in holding the preliminary release of the findings of the Cold-Case-Posse whereat the fraudulent nature of the electronic file that Obama put up on the official White House website as authentication of his purported constitutional eligibility to be president was irrefutably revealed.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Newsmax: Obama Citizen... · 0 replies · +10 points

Let us not forget Sean Hannity's infamous interjection when chief editor for World Net Daily ( Joseph Farah mentioned that Marco Rubio was not constitutionally eligible to be president while a guest on the Hannity show: Hannity said, "That's not going to work."

So there you have it! Mr. Hannity has pronounced the decree of the Elitist Liberal Faction controlling both the Republican and Democrat parties, the mainstream media, the courts, academia, and even the leadership of your Tea Party organization: The Constitution no longer works!

I must not have gotten the memo.