


24 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Race Recap: Virgin Lon... · 1 reply · +1 points

Loved reading through your recap, although I'm a little surprised at your memory for being able to recall all the details. My experiences of long run or, now, long walks, is that each mile just seems to merge into the next one. Anyway, despite your self-criticism, I think you should be pleased with yourself,

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Scenes From Virgin Lon... · 1 reply · +1 points

Did you see the man dressed as an electricity pylon? Best costume ever (although I would hate the indignity of being overtaken by a person dressed like that).

Anyway, I will repeat what I've already said, nice one. Well done.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Training: London Calli... · 0 replies · +1 points

So that means you just broke your own marathon record? Nice one Jess. I hope you are feeling pleased with yourself. You've been so keen to highlight how badly you've been doing and how much weight you've gained, then you go and do this. Maybe this is evidence that you should not be so hard on yourself, because it simply is not warranted. And, damn, that is an impressive exercise record.

Now please put your feet up for at least one day.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Abs Are Made In The Ki... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm surprised to hear that running is being criticized for making people fat/squishy. I'm very much on the outside when it comes to blogging debates over it, such a view seems to go against both my own previous experience and my (limited) knowledge of fitness.

Anyway, as someone just starting running again, I'm more interested in enjoying it than for anything else.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Scale Self-Sabotage · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah Jess, it seems we have had very similar Easter weekends. I've also binged so many times after standing on the scales and not getting the number that I'd hoped for. It is a response that seems to belie rational explanation, but the urge to binge just seems so overwhelming.
You are going through a lot of things that would cause anyone to stress out, but I do wish you would go a bit easier on yourself at times. I also wish I could just give you a hug.
I do hope that your Mum's health picks up soon.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - WIAW - Feeling A Bit G... · 1 reply · +4 points

It is pleasing to read that you are coming up with a plan for the future. Trying to go down a vocational route which you think you'll enjoy and which you can pick your hours maybe just the thing you need. Your PhD seems to have left you in such a funk; it may be that in years to come you view quitting the PhD as one of the best decisions that you have ever made.

Oh, I saw you from a distance the other day.... walking out of the station. Call yourself fat and a blob all you like, but I don't believe you. I understand that you have gained weight and I understand how horrible it feels (been there, done that), but the belief that you are fat comes from your own wonky image of yourself, not reality. I wish you could see yourself for what you are.

I hope the flu/bug pisses off soon.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Flashback Friday: Lame... · 0 replies · +3 points

I've got to agree that health is not a number or a look, but the definition that you posit feels far too narrow. Yes, being proud of your athletic abilities is a positive, but there is much more to good health than being physically fit. All too often I feel your drive for the fitness (particularly your willingness to run with injuries) has the effect of damaging your health, both mentally and physically.
Maybe I'm wrong, but sometimes I kind of think that you'd benefit more from a week spent indulging in some good fiction, taking some slow, ponderous walks and not being quite so hard on yourself than trying to hit the 100 mile running mark. Anyway, it is a nice day, I hope that you're taking advantage of it.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - WIAW - Kabocha Krazy · 1 reply · +1 points

I didn't even know what a kabocha was until I read your post. Some nice looking food there.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Red Rag To A Bull · 1 reply · +1 points

I want to say to you don't take it so personally, but I know all too well how painful such comments can be because snarky comments were a fixture of my teenage years. I know that it is wishful thinking not to take it personally.
Despite being considerably overweight, everyone at my gym is polite and courteous to me, and that is what I expect of adults. That these people in your gym can be so shitty to you is deplorable. How you looked to see if you gym has some kind of anti-harassment policy?
I know this suggestion may sound like running from the problem, but maybe it would be best to put some distance between yourself and these people. Is there any alternative gyms you could get to?

I empathise with your comments about wanting to to restrict/wanting to be underweight, but we both know that that leads to dark places. Yet again your posts leave me just wanting to give you a hug. Hang in there Jess.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Bulletproof · 1 reply · 0 points

Hey Jess. I don't really have any constructive advice to offer you but I would like to say that you will pull through this. I know things are hard, but things do change. Try not to be so self-critical towards yourself. Of the words I'd use to describe you, pathetic certainly isn't one of them.