


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Justin Dupre - Ask Questions, Get Ans... · 0 replies · +1 points

How would you do a media buy if you were a pest control guy?

12 years ago @ http://yourjewishnews.... - Court orders Google an... · 1 reply · +2 points

Wow... How likely is that? And how far will this go? Remove all anti-Islamic-religous content? And who gets to to define the line of anti-Islamic content? Would referring to some other Deity be considered anti-Islamic?

13 years ago @ Digital Trends - Zombie ants have their... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great title but Zombie ants are not all the exciting. They don't eat their own, they are not living dead, they just step out of line a bit and then die as they take one last bite of a juicy plant.

13 years ago @ - GroupOn Deal of today ... · 0 replies · +1 points

They should of advertised the coupon as... HALF OFF!!!

13 years ago @ rYnoweb by Chuck Reynolds - Clean URLs for Good SEO · 1 reply · +1 points

but doesn't HP's canonical cure this... From source code: <link rel="canonical" href="">

13 years ago @ Pushing Social - How Your Blog and Ten ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Engagement. Awesome. " ...purpose, experience and mutual respect." Yes. Sun Tzu recognizes these as power.

And you speak my language but with different terms. "Jeesha," I call them our golden 5%. Seth Godin, tells you more about these first and powerful sneezers, but add to it the power you have to create and cause a sneezer to sneeze.

Your site leads by example.

My recent post Pest Control worker stealing Background Checks

14 years ago @ Original A... - Bibi Unmasked · 0 replies · +1 points

Funny right wings believe the Left controls the mainstream media. Sounds like you believe the Zionists control the media. Seems to me that with so much media available today that "individuals" control the media. Like this blog. People can be as radical as they care to be online. People are free to say what they want. To read what they want. I don't believe anyone is truly "brain washed". No one forces people to watch TV. People choose to watch TV. People choose what to believe. They choose to sit and be preached to, to drink up the propaganda.

I haven't watched news online for years. Don't receive regular TV or cable at my home. I for one float through the online buzz. Fluttering from one site to the next. Formulating my own thoughts.
But, don't mind me, I am just a pest control guy.

14 years ago @ http://www.loveveggies... - Blogger Meetup, Confro... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Well posting pics of oneself in a sports bra, no makeup, sweaty unwashed hair, for all the world to see..."

Thanks for keeping it real! It is refreshing to see someone that tells it like it is, risking a little self-consciousness. Keep up the great work.