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5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 11/19 w/ B... · 0 replies · +3 points

European countries, especially EU members, are filling the gaps in their lgbt protection laws lately. Several have gone back and added the T to existing legislation them in turn moving themselves up the European Rainbow Index.

"More legal protection on the way for the #trans community in #Sweden! The Swedish parliament took a decision on 14 November to include 'transgender identity and expression' into the #HateSpeech law, which will come into effect on 1 January 2019."

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 10/31 · 0 replies · +5 points

Mexico: San Luis Potosí's head of the state's Justice Committee promises that the new same-sex marriage bill will not be held up in the committee stage this time. He says in less than 6 months it could be voted on. Let's hope it doesn't flop again.

6 months is a lot, but the previous bill was stuck in the "freezer" for even more months on end before ultimately being voted down in the committee phase:

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 10/31 · 0 replies · +5 points

The first reading on the Czech marriage bill which was supposed to happen yesterday was postponed after the other topics of the day took up all the time. Next possible date is November 13th or 14th.

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 10/31 · 0 replies · +4 points

I went back to the Faroese Parliament's site recently and it turns out the first reading on the gender change bill never happened in October, now the new date is the 6th of this month. A lot of media attention has been turned to the trans community recently, such as a woman getting an hour long interview dedicated to her life as a trans woman.

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 10/16 · 1 reply · +5 points

Clarification from a local: It's civil unions and it's only for the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina which is the Bosniak-Croatian half of the country. Republika Srpska is the other half of the nation of "Bosnia & Herzegovina" (which is different from FB&H).

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 9/25 · 0 replies · +3 points

Takk. I saw it mentioned something about 2007 and that's when they finally got an anti-hate speech law so I wasn't sure if there was more.

Yes, Faroese with their k as ch.

Now we need Greenland to get on board and the Danish Kingdom is complete.

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 9/25 · 3 replies · +6 points

Using Google translate for Icelandic and my own knowledge of Norwegian, it seems Faroe Islands is aiming for a gender identity bill. According to Wikipedia there is no current gender change legislation there. The bill had its first reading on the 20th.

I hope I am not mistaken, but it also seems like they will add T to their anti-discrimination laws, which are very limited. I hope this is an entire overhaul of LGBT protection laws along with the gender clauses. Can anyone who speaks a Nordic language help me verify exactly everything that is in this bill?

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 2 replies · +3 points


I'm looking for the preliminary results of Yucatan's Congressional elections because of their annoying constitutional ban. I really hope they were not the exception to the leftist party wave. If they are that means we've lost in Court and will continue to lose in Congress, sigh.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 4 replies · +4 points

Let's hope with Mexico's elections, we get more states done...or even the nation. Como que ya tardaron demasiado, no?

Sinaloa has MORENA as the majority party and with the Supreme Court breathing down their neck, the chances of it joining the club have risen. One state deputy said Morena will try to get marriage equality in the Sinaloa after the new Congress is seated in December (if it hasn't already arrived by then):

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - News round-up and open... · 0 replies · +4 points

They voted to support the idea, but weren't satisfied with the legislation that would overhaul all marriages, gay or straight. They said they need time for a bill that's up to scratch. It's the biggest update to marriage laws in ages so they decided to put a final (hopefully) debate in for January 30th.