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8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The Battle for Al-Aqsa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Patriarchy has always needed sacrifices because its power comes from blood lust. It started with animal sacrifices and progressed to human sacrifice. Millions are sacrificed to keep the Death Star charged. This stuff goes deep into our blood and bones.

I was at the temple mount and wailing wall years ago. Had little knowledge of what it was about other than that Romans had destroyed it. Thanks for this illuminating essay. Brings the abscess to a point. The boil may burst which could be a release although many will be sacrificed in this Armageddon event.

Fortunately, love is all there is, even in the dark heart of humankind.

"You got too many lovers wailing at the wall; if I had a thousand tongues I couldn't count them all." Dylan.

--Dennis Leary with

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Shlomo Sand: ‘I ... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Jewish state of Israel is the logical result of patriarchy, a term popularized by the Jewish patriarchs of the bible. Ashkenazi Jews of today are following their God's demands to the letter of the law. Kill them all and know that I am God, to paraphrase.

Naturally that injunction does not fly very far so God is said to be Love in the Christian version. If that's the case, why not drop the word God and substitute love? The fact that we won't drop the word God indicates an addiction to power, and patriarchal power at that.

Eventually Sand and the rest of us will return to our roots as a love culture, or we will perish here on earth, and get another chance to be lovers rather than killers on another planet.

Stay the course, Brother Sand, addictions are hard to overcome but hard does not mean impossible.

And there's always quantum leaps, black swans, visitations and miracles as the ancients would know. In brief, love is all there is.

--Dennis Leary with

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Trump: Bush Had &ldquo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, this article is BS, just another damage control operation. A scapegoat is needed so greed for money, inefficiency and mistakes will fill the bill.

Only the Khazars and specifically Ashkenazi Jews had the motive, means, history and opportunity for pulling off 9/11 IMO. That does not mean that all Ashkenazi Jews (like Albert Einstein) were the likes of Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

The Russian philosopher Irene Caesar is probably correct in her analysis.

Interestingly, it was the Russians who destroyed the Khazar empire which might account for some of the hatred towards them by the West.

It's encouraging to see the crumbling of the facade of lies. Goes along with the death of empires. 9/11 remains the key to opening the truth.

ICH is a key player in the information war. Let's support Tom with our money as well as our mouth if we can.

--Dennis Leary with

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Whatever Happened To S... · 0 replies · 0 points

I found the article, links and comments informative.

PCR had many valuable observations but I disagree with a couple of his premises. "Relationship between man and woman is the foundation of society." And "marriage is the basis for procreation and enculturation."

Well, maybe that's true in a patriarchal culture like ours. But I don't think it's true for our original love culture. Women and their children is the foundation of a love society and basis for procreation and culture.

So where do men fit in? Nature is mostly parthenogenic and matrilineal. The male sex is an experiment to enhance woman's pleasure and creativity, and his own. Contrary to the patriarchal scriptures, man is an enhancer of pleasure and procreation and a helper (and sometimes defender) of woman and her child. Or he's supposed to be.

You know, the old adage that women and children get the life-boats if the ship is sinking. Well, the ship is sinking and guess who's saving themselves at the expense of women and children?

There are exceptions that prove the rule.

Our aboriginal love culture had sex in sexual rites that were communal and well-governed by matrons. The disintegration of that sex system results in what we have today which still reveals what once was in a distorted way.

More at with Dennis Leary.

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The Islamic State Meet... · 1 reply · +30 points

I thought the US and its proxies were funding the terrorists. How does this fit into the picture?

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Merkel’s Faustia... · 1 reply · +10 points

If Germany is Faust and Turkey Mephistofeles, the devil's broker, what does that make the US? The Great Satan? And then the question is who is running the US? The answer is scary, not to be touched without a ten foot pole.

At least Faust was promised riches and pleasure and Mephistofeles had a job with benefits.

Is the not to be mentioned plan to turn the EU and the US into concentration camps along with Turkey?

I'd attempt an answer but I fear to go where angels fear to tread.

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -  Hersh Vindicated... · 4 replies · +32 points

So the wheel turns and the trash burns.

I've heard that some Turks have balls and this report is confirmation if true.

Now if only some politicians in the US would do likewise regarding 9/11. That would make my day.

Thanks. Dennis Leary

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Russia Granted Authori... · 0 replies · +43 points

The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. And the Americans are coming to Iraq to stop the Russians from coming. Let's hope that what's left of Iraq can tell the difference between what's coming and what's going. We don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind's blowing.

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The Empire of Chaos is... · 0 replies · +80 points

Pepe is a poet whose pen is mightier than a division with swords, at least in my book. I hope his rhetoric matches reality. Keep the front-line reports coming. They sure make my day.

8 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Putin is Defeating Mor... · 0 replies · +15 points

Excellent summary. But the empire is not naked yet in the eyes of the deceived. We need more children to speak the truth. "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength." Psalms 8:2. -Dennis Leary