


14 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Mutually Assured Well ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Community is based on calm unity.

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Rationally Speaking, W... · 0 replies · +1 points

Community is based on calm unity.

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Oil, Climate And Time:... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a cheap and easy, open-source way to pull enough carbon out of the air to stop global warming in a few years? Wait, there is a way that we could do this without the cooperation of corporate or government structures. How we can do this in our yards, gardens and farms is described at:

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Building Resilience In... · 0 replies · 0 points

Double Plant Growth and Carbon Sequestration in Two Years

There is a cheap and simple, open source way to double plant growth and carbon sequestration using half the water. See illustrations and examples at:

This should slow or reverse global warming if we could get folks to do it in their yards, gardens and farms.

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Climate Change Action ... · 0 replies · 0 points

The best way to slow or stop climate change is to more oak trees and the soil that feeds them. We can do this in our own yards, gardens and farms. For examples and a simple method see:

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Climate Change Is Here... · 0 replies · 0 points

The best solution I have found is described at:

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Bill McKibben Is Wrong... · 0 replies · 0 points

There is good evidence that we can double carbon sequestration in soil and plants in two years or less. Anyone can do this on their lawn, garden or farm using cheap and simple, open-source methods that don't require the cooperation of corporations or governments. One of these methods is described at:

along with some very good examples.

All we need to do is try this out and spread the word.

12 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - U.S. Sees Hottest 12 M... · 1 reply · 0 points

If there was a cheap and easy way to pull more carbon out of the air and sequester it in plants and soil, this might go a long way toward ending warming and ocean acidification. You can find one method and examples at:

My favorite hypothesis to explain this is at:

13 years ago @ UnFuck It Up - "I Didn't Fuck It Up" ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dear Friends,

I think we all need to grow some in-ormus nuts:

If we all did this, shift would happen.

With kindest regards,
Barry Carter
bcarter at igc dot org

13 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - Garden As If Your Life... · 0 replies · +1 points

Garden Life on Earth

Dear Friends,

Add the ormus minerals to your soil and you can grow twice the amount of food with higher nutrition. These plants also are less attractive to insect pests.

You can "trap" the ormus minerals out of your air or water and apply them at about ten gallons per acre. Or you can concentrate them from sea water by raising the pH to 10.78 and using the resulting precipitate at the rate of three gallons per acre. You get one gallon of precipitate from five gallons of sea water.

This method and others are linked at:

Along with scientific and anecdotal reports about results of the use of the ormus minerals.

With kindest regards,
Barry Carter
bcarter at igc dot org