Robert Williams

Robert Williams


35 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The 5 Filters of the M... · 0 replies · -6 points

btw..if you delete post...too late I already spread it to facebook, google+ & Twitter, so your own HYPOCRISY will be apparent to EVERYONE !!!

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The 5 Filters of the M... · 4 replies · -1 points

Actually one reason is that CENSORSHIP is alive and well in this site, about Chomsky, Paul Craig Roberts's piece has NO comments. I have written to him twice without a SINGLE reply about his REFUSAL to bring up the "Official Fairy Fable" of 911. TWO 110 story buildings come down WITHOUT explosives in free-fall acceleration in 12 SECONDS. That make no COMMON SENSE at all. PERIOD !!! 3rd, the "Official Fairy Fable" has not a even a single sentence about Bldg 7. Alternative media has NOT addressed 911 like I have. Which is why not can I not afford to support THIS site, but any other site that REFUSES to confront 911 HEAD ON !!!

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - It’s Time For AI... · 3 replies · +28 points

The 'Balfour Deceleration' MUST be rescinded to 1967 lines. PERIOD! Golan Heights are SYRIA territory. Count on Russia to get it back. Trump is delusional if he think Israel is ANYTHING but America on Steroids. The Elite 1% must be taken down.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - When Former Spies Turn... · 0 replies · +2 points

I have supported "Bobby McIlvaine Act" and the work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth with money and buying literature to hand out. If you visited my site you could see that
below the Cydonia stuff there are two videos, one I made the other is Barbara Honneger Pentagon explanation for EVERYTHING that did and did NOT happen. I also list VeteransToday as a TRUSTED site since they are the speahead who laid out PROOF that TWO Thermobarbic Bombs were place under each tower which nano-nuked the steel and cement, along with people. I am into Flat Facts and I agree that USA and Israel were the MOST involved in that False Fairy Fable Fracking American people. If I had my way, ALL Zionists or ANY person with an Israeli passport would be put in MILITARY jail.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - When Former Spies Turn... · 4 replies · +18 points

Until we at least acknowledge that there was NO TERRORISTS attack on 911 !!! It was an INSIDE job by Masonic Zionism NeoCons turning United States of Israel !!!

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - War Criminal: George W... · 1 reply · +13 points

Bush 43 STARTED 911 FALSE FLAG with ZIONISTA Israel and US IMPERIALISM !!! What would have happened if that ONE lone soldier had the balls of Manning to turn the Pentagon's AIR defense from off to ON and FIRED a missile to hit that other missile that was heading for the corrupt records office. The Navy CSI was in that part overlooking Bush Sr dealing with Russia in the late 1980's

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Nunes Memo: Another St... · 0 replies · +5 points

Again until 911 FLAT FACTS out that Zionism and Imperialism are out in the open we're all FRACKED !!!

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Syria - U.S. May Have ... · 0 replies · +15 points

It is time for AMERICA first and Trump is not doing his job, ZIONISTA & Imperialism and Flase Flag of 911....until we get that news out, we're all FRACKED UP !!!

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - “We Are The Deat... · 0 replies · +9 points

As I've stated many times, what we have is : Elite Exceptitionalist Extremists ( E^3 ) = Milititary Manipulated Media Industitrialized Imperial Intitelligence Corpwhorational Crapititalistic Control Complex. M^3 I^3 C^4 aka “Mickey...They'll Eat Everything before you knew there was something. Then tell you there was nothing...move along.”

Corpwhorational Crapititalistic Control Complex the new C ^ 4

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - \'Bringing Humankind C... · 0 replies · +15 points

Until we get rid of Israel as a ZIONISTA state along with US Imperialist USA "SWAMP" of the "DEEP STATE".

Putting some politicians, generals, FBI, DOJ, DEA, DHS (should be scrapped), NSA, DIA, DOD, and some of ALL government TOP and also just under top BEHIND BARS !!! That will go a long way to heal this country.