Robert Bruce

Robert Bruce


178 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

7 months ago @ http://www.information... - Scott Ritter: A compre... · 0 replies · +1 points

South front is either blocked or most likely taken down and has been for going on a month or so. New Eastern Outlook, a really good geopolitical sight from Russia that was in English has also been taken down/ blocked. NEO was more BRICS/ economic oriented, but did a great job with geopolitical issues concerning Russia, etc.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... -  Extraordinary Qu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Scientists can be bought out just like anyone else. Who controls their funding? The people looking for an excuse to increase their power over others do.

11 months ago @ http://www.information... - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:... · 2 replies · +6 points

Same goes for any candidate that has entered the Oval Office. The powers that be are the unelected bankers of international finance. The own everything and have the world's intelligence agencies working for them. Voting is a joke, a total ruse.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Chris Hedges: The Unit... · 1 reply · +1 points

What a lame list that will do nothing to solve any of the major issues that drive our continued demise as a nation. None of these 4 recommendations have anything to do with war, the debt, and our failing economy. Abortion should be totally eradicated with the advances of cheap and effective birth control. Abortions are not cheap, far from it. Why are leftists focused on abortion, when they should be pushing for more access to the cheaper and effective birth control now available. Punishing rape is already being done. As for heirs , if the person earning said wealth wants to give some to a spouse, child, or sibling, that should be their choice. It is THEIR earned wealth, so they should be able to do with it as they see fit.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Leaked papers reveal r... · 0 replies · +1 points

Given the big lies that have been told by the Uh S government over the past two decades I am apt to believe these folks. The Ukraine debacle is nothing more than 1939 Poland all over again.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - House Democrats Have L... · 0 replies · +2 points

What is treason? It seems to me that you can say that the federal government is acting treasonous. They are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. How is speaking out against another war scam treasonous? Most Americans don't know where Ukraine is, much less lose sleep over the war.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Xi of Arabia and the p... · 1 reply · +2 points

I am talking about the political realm. What is coming is globalization, just not Western based. You are going to have digital currencies that will have every human being at the mercy of their respective governments that are pretty much run by the same banking cartel, with a social credit system that is imposed world wide regardless of the new geopolitical structure Pepe writes about.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Xi of Arabia and the p... · 3 replies · +5 points

Are you kidding me? Globalization is going full steam ahead!!!! It will be multipolar though. The BRIC nations led by Russia, and China, went along with the COVID-19 depopulation agenda. China is the creator of the social credit system. Everyone is getting ready to launch a freedom killing digital currency. Two sides of the same coin, with everyone losing in the end with the exception of the WEF crowd, which Putin is a member of. To he liberal woke crowd and the Maga crowd, aren't the only ones that are out of their minds. Pepe is selling you globalization, just with an Eastern flavor. It all is the same though. The nice utopia he is selling you will turn out to be a disaster for human freedom. You want freedom and prosperity? Localize.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - When It Comes to Condu... · 0 replies · +2 points

And you do? Ever meet the man or interact with him? You don't know a damn thing, none of us do. Roberts analysis is just going based on the man's behavior and actions. His handling if Syria also has me thinking Roberts is right. I am starting to think Putin is just playing the role of false opposition. He should have ended this a few months back with the help of Lukashenko.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Chris Hedges: Monarchs... · 1 reply · +1 points

Property is an essential ingredient of freedom. What do you think of the WEF's "You will own nothing and you will be happy?