


3 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ All Facebook - U.K. Versus U.S. Faceb... · 0 replies · +1 points

The side by side comparison of top 5 brands is interesting. Perhaps revealing. In the US, 4 retailers and a tech brand. In the UK, 4 fmcg (confectionery) and 1 fashion brand. The US list looks more serious and commercial, more focussed on building a long term platform. With the possible exception of Burberry, the UK list looks more tactical and campaign focussed. Sample of 5 (10) obviously, but quite a striking difference.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Facebook Enables Short... · 0 replies · +5 points

When they get it right, Facebook's attention to the little details like this is impressive.

When they get it wrong it can be quite disturbing.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Want To Change Your Fa... · 0 replies · +2 points

Imagine the scenario where someone has set up an unofficial fan page for a brand before the brand itself decided to make a go of it on Facebook.

The unofficial page quickly gathers a significant fan base, but the person who set the page up isn't really interested in actively administrating the community that they've accidently established.

The brand in question has the option of starting its own page from scratch or liaising (via Facebook) with the admin of the unofficial page to effect a friendly takeover.

In the case of a takeover it may be that the naming of the unofficial page isn't exactly in line with the trademarked brand name and/or the marketing aspirations of the brand.

In these circumstances it would be highly beneficial for the brand in question to be able to change the name of the page as long as the new page name is in keeping with the concept that all the existing fans originally felt moved to "like".