


4 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - One month after being ... · 2 replies · +1 points


Thanks for your post. I would like to give some insights to your #4 & #8. (#4 Church Like a Family) #8 (Taking a break from church to heal)

It pains me to see so many Churches have that kind of relationship with their pastor/staff. I have had the awesome opportunity to serve my 16+ years of student ministry in 2 churches. Neither place treated me like a dating relationship. Yes it may be true for the congregants but it is also true for me. If the relationship is ended then it will be because God has chosen a new path (ministry) for me. My church family is loving, kind, giving, praying, supporting, trusting, believing, etc....

I do understand about taking some time away to heal. In 2001, my then pastor had a inappropriate relationship with a 17 year old (He was 37 at the time). I was the one who caught them and called them on it. I had resigned in March, leaving last of April and then I caught them in early April. It was a tough road to travel and I do not with that road/experience on ANYONE, BUT it has changed my life for the good. I have set some pretty STRONG boundaries in my ministry. I no longer counsel females alone, give them rides home alone, I have internet accountability software on ALL my macs, my wife has EVERY password to access all my social networks and often does it on a daily basis.

Not sure any of the above will be helpful but stay encouraged, keep the faith, surround yourself with STRONG Christians and immerse yourself in God's Word.

Prayed for you!


14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - I was fired last Monda... · 0 replies · +1 points

Take the high road (which it appears you are doing) and trust God (which you have already said you do) and you will walk away in God's grace and his richest blessings!

Prayed for you brother,


14 years ago @ What's This Life For - I'm Somewhere Else Today · 1 reply · +1 points

14 years ago @ What's This Life For - I'm Somewhere Else Today · 2 replies · +1 points

Hey bud, I have you in my google reader, and your guest post STUCK with me today for some reason? I have a blog as well, but not posted in just over a year and have been thinking of getting back into the game. I am back in the game now, and started with you as my first guest post! Didn't think you would mind, and not sure I know guest post blogging protocol is, so forgive me if I am in error. Have a blessed day! -Joe