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11 years ago @ Single Black Male - The SBM Sports 2012 NF... · 0 replies · +1 points

The thing that made the 49ers offense function in spite of Alex Smith was the fact that they had the greatest turnover differential in the league. Unfortunately for the 49ers the turnover differential is also the most random team in the NFL.

11 years ago @ Single Black Male - Style vs. Substance: H... · 3 replies · +3 points

Him having the greatest rookie year of all time is a little too high of a bar to set. Redskins fans think they're going 16-0 when they start off the season with a win though...

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Sports Fans: Are the K... · 2 replies · +1 points

Knicks fans will be Knicks fans forever. Cubs fans are still Cubs fans even though the White Sox won. Boston is still a Red Sox town even though every other sport for the city was winning championships and they were not only having a World Series drought but were waiting decades in between. When you look at just raw championships, it seems worse than it actually is. The Knicks have still be in and out of the playoffs and were in the finals not TOO far back so the fans at least have been seeing a competitive team.

It's not like the Lions who were briefly kinda competitive with Barry in the 90s and have never really done anything else since the merger.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Why Black Men Take Lon... · 1 reply · +4 points

The "how" something is said is just as important as the "what" because how something is articulated changes the implications of what is said. Things do not exist in vacuums. For example, telling someone they need to get a job drastically changes meaning based off of how you phrase it. How it is said tells whether the person is mocking them, will be supportive, showing disdain, is actually apathetic to whether they do it, and so on and so forth. Why the hell would or should someone give any of their mind share to someone who ultimately is only saying something based on their contempt and embarrassment for you rather than from a place where they are trying to uplift and be supportive of you?

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Why Black Men Take Lon... · 5 replies · +38 points

"There isn’t much gained from marriage that is not readily available in single life."

That's because Black people don't know anything about accruing wealth. Marriage opens up so many doors from exclusive connections that are only extended to other married people to TAXES to generational wealth to only give a few examples.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Free or Foolish Speech... · 2 replies · +7 points

Right, personal anecdotes don't mean anything when discussing systematic oppression. My grandmother is a West Indian immigrant with a doctorate who now owns a 100k+ home. That doesn't mean immigration is easy.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Free or Foolish Speech... · 4 replies · +8 points

Right. I'm the one that fails at critical thinking because you once heard a couple of Black folk after slavery bought the plantations their masters used to own. You're so gleefully ignorant about the history of Black people in this country it's disgusting. Go stick your head in a whole. I swear if you even knew what sharecropping and generational wealth were you would embarrassed at what you have written and implied.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Free or Foolish Speech... · 1 reply · +15 points

It was perfectly within bounds. The only people that got mad at the fact are the same people that tell everyone that they are humorless when they don't laugh at racist, sexist, etc. sh*t. Free speech ONLY has to do government censorship. I wish people would stop bringing it up outside of that context. The past should be consistently and continuously addressed, especially considering states like Texas are trying to white wash the history books and paint things like slavery in a brighter light in order for Black kids to "not feel animosity towards white people".

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Chicago: A City On The... · 1 reply · 0 points

The problem with the police is not JUST their ability to prevent the shootings. Serious question: Did you grow up middle class and in the suburbs?

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - 4 People Who Should Ne... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm, not so surprisingly, John Q. Or at least I used to be before I decided to save everyone the grief and chill on the bench.