


34 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - Photo Diary #7 · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow! These are great pictures! I really love the beach pics! It looks like you and your family had a great Summer:) #mixitup

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - How to rock: Back to s... · 0 replies · +1 points

These are all great tips! My most important one was getting the boys back on the sleep schedule and routine. I started it a week early so that we ALL (myself included) had time to get back into the swing of things. And yes, it does seem like it school starts earlier every year and goes later every year too. Blah! #mixitup

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - Challenging the stereo... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am in total agreement with you Catie! When Adam was about 10 a family member showed me an article about a supposed "miracle pill" that could take his Autism away. I said to her, "but don't you understand that by 'taking his Autism away' we would be taking all of him away". She didn't understand what I meant and his dad and I had talked about it before what we would do if a "cure" came about. We both agreed that it would change our son. He wouldn't be HIM anymore and we ADORE him just the way he is. I do understand families whose kids are very severe and have other ailments that accompany Autism. I can understand them wanting a cure but I feel exactly the way you feel. My cure is acceptance and Lots of Love! Thanks Catie for another inspiring post! #BloggerClubUK

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - Why I am saying no to ... · 0 replies · +2 points

You know what's funny. Adam was never even offered an IQ test when he was diagnosed. The school has given him one for diagnosis purposes when he needs to be re-evaluated every three years ( I think this is a federal law in the states) but the school doesn't actually take into the account the test. It's basically there just to satisfy the powers that be (who have no idea about education, psychology or Autism). I agree with you Catie. IQ tests are for the birds. They never truly reflect human intelligence. #LGRTStumble

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - A Glimpse into our aut... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have heard that said to me on more than one occasion when Adam was small. I quickly put those people in their place about it because my boy loves with all of his heart. He may not show it like his brother does or anyone else but anyone who knows him knows that he loves. Like Jeremy said, what a ridiculous notion. #LGRTStumble

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - A Glimpse into our aut... · 0 replies · +1 points

My son told one lie awhile back but mostly he just chooses to omit stuff when I ask him a question. This is true that even children on the spectrum lie. I hate when "experts" claim these things because they are forgetting the fact that children on the spectrum are still human and humans do at some point or another, lie. Great pointing this out Catie. #LGRTStumble

5 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - Babies are delivered b... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have definitely told a few lies to my boys. It was worse when they were younger because they didn't know any better but now that they're older there is no lying to them. But now though, I have no real need to and I definitely don't want to. But when they're small, its almost essential I think. Especially the Santa/Easter Bunny one lol #LGRTStumble

6 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - A Glimpse into our aut... · 0 replies · +1 points

I wouldn't say that my son is a savant (though I do think he's pretty special) but he does have his talents, just like any other kid. I think that's the biggest misconception about Autism. That they somehow have to be smarter than everyone else. But what if they are just like other kids with a few talents that make them special but not a savant? My son's talents reside in the Dramatics. Theater, creative writing, the arts are all in his wheelhouse. Math and Science is not so much in his wheel house and he does have to work hard to get the grades that he gets. Likewise, my younger boy has special talents in the creative arts but is also good at Math and Science. Every kid - every person's talents revolve around their interests. I believe that every person, no matter the Autism or neurotypical, has a special talent for something. For many of us, it takes us longer to find it while others know from an early age. It really has nothing to do with Autism but the human being behind the talent/skill/gift. Great post Catie! More people need to understand that Autism doesn't guarantee a genius but maybe just a regular person finding his/her way:) #LGRTStumble

6 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - A Glimpse into our Aut... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is definitely a tricky one because I have been in this position myself. It's gotten a little easier as he has gotten older because he has learned to advocate for himself and he decides whether or not he wants people to know but he has no shame in it, either way. I am proud that I brought him up to not be ashamed of it. Yesterday we went to a college tour of a local community college who actually supports students on the Spectrum. I was so pleasantly surprised by how welcoming the professors and staff were and how helpful. We got to hear from current students about their experiences and it just made me so happy. Adam was happy too. There is no shame there and that's how I want him to live his life, without shame of who he is. Wonderful post Catie! #FamilyFunLinky

6 years ago @ http://diaryofanimperf... - Raising understanding ... · 0 replies · +1 points

These are so good! I have also lost my shit on more that one occasion and it sucks! I used to not use the word Autism because I wanted my son to know he was perfect the way he is but then his brother started asking questions and it had to be dealt with. Now it's an open discussion and the boys are very close, even if they do annoy each other from time to time lol. #LGRTStumble