Kira Davis

Kira Davis


8 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - BigDawg Spotlight: Cou... · 1 reply · +5 points

I love Soldiers Angels! I've been an "angel" for two years now and have been so blessed. I'm a part of a group for young moms (MOPs) and last year we corporately adopted a soldier. He was able to communicate with us about his progress and the packages we sent. Everyone was so blessed by that. It is an incredible organization. I can't say enough good things about it.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'In Time' Review: Sci-... · 0 replies · +5 points

Please do not denigrate 'Over the Top', which is perhaps one of the most poignant, moving films of our time. I mean, arm wrestling is a metaphor for so many of society's ills. Sometimes you have to take your fight 'over the top' to be victorious! Plus, sweaty, bearded guys in sleeveless shirts. That's art.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Chaz Bono Complains Ab... · 15 replies · +185 points

I refuse to refer to Chaz Bono as "he"...its ridiculous. You can cut off your breasts but you can't change your DNA. Because you are created man or woman. DNA can never change. Chaz Bono is a woman who has chosen to live as a man. But it doesn't make her one. Sorry, not going there with ya'll.

13 years ago @ Big Government - #OccupyBaltimore Disco... · 8 replies · +67 points

Weird. Also begs the question, have there been a lot of sexual assaults at Occupy rallies? So many that it takes a full pamphlet to address "survivor" concerns? This whole thing is bizarre. I feel like the whole country just landed in the Twilight Zone.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Slander of Tea Party C... · 2 replies · +23 points

I've always resisted confronting this type of ignorance because it just breeds more contention, but there is too much at stake these days. We are witnessing the end of American exceptionalism and the only way to stop it is to get rid of this horrible President. Nothing less than the future of America is at stake and the tea party is HUGE in the effort to save the future of this country. We can be silent no longer. All of us must stand up and contest such ignorance at every turn. We minority conservatives must make a concerted effort to call out our liberal brothers and sisters for what they really are - racists and bigots. We must challenge them to provide proof and explain their logic. Its time to go on offense. There's too much at stake to simply be content with being right.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Racial-Enforcer George... · 1 reply · +3 points

Big contributor Tony Katz just posted my piece about life as an "oreo" - Message from an Oreo. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its painful. I wish these loony lefties would just shut up about it already and stick to the facts. But facts are not on their side, so I guess the only thing they have left is to insult people like me.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Mark Ruffalo on Occupy... · 0 replies · +8 points

I guess Ruffalo doesn't keep his money in a bank. Does anyone have his home address?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - CBS' 'The Good Wife': ... · 1 reply · +7 points

I love 'The Good Wife'...its horribly liberal but I am willing to accept that given the performances and the show is set in Chicago. I LOL'd hard when I heard that last night. Oh yes, Weinergate will never die! And they got it right too! Weiner could have controlled that story if he had only let his handlers get out in front. Breitbart gave him more than one chance to control the message. He chickened out. The rest is history.