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12 years ago @ La Jolla Light - UC San Diego names Car... · 0 replies · +1 points

Did you know that University of California has a campus that has the highest public tuition/fees in all the 50 satates? University of California Berkeley Chancellor makes Cal. farther and farther out of reach for the sons and daughters of Californians. UCB Chancellor Robert J Birgeneau is outspoken on why elite public universities, like Cal, should charge Californians more. With Birgeneau’s leadership UCB is more expensive (on an all-in-cost) than private Harvard and Yale. Cal. is the most expensive public higher education in our country!

Birgeneau ($450,000 salary) likes to blame the politicians, since they stopped giving him every dollar expected. The Chancellor’s ‘charge more’ instate tuition skyrocketed fees by an average 14% per year from 2006 to 2011-12 academic year. If Birgeneau had allowed fees to rise at the same rate of inflation over the past 10 years they would still be in reach of most middle income students. Increasing funding is not Cal’s solution.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - A Crisis of Competence · 0 replies · +1 points

University of California instate tuition must increase says Chancellor and Provost. University of California Berkeley (UCB) Chancellor Robert J Birgeneau is outspoken on why elite public universities should charge more. With Birgeneau’s leadership UCB is more expensive (on an all-in-cost) than private Harvard and Yale. Cal. is the most expensive public higher education in our country. World ranking of prestigious universities has Harvard #1, Cal # 5.

Birgeneau would like to blame the politicians, since they stopped giving him every dollar asked for. The Chancellor’s ‘charge more’ instate tuition skyrocketed fees by an average 14% per year from 2006 to 2011-12 academic year. If Birgeneau had allowed fees to rise at the same rate of inflation over the past 10 years they would still be in reach of most middle income students with the help of affordable student loans. Increasing Cal’s funding is not the solution.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - A Crisis of Competence · 0 replies · +1 points

I love University of California having been a student & lecturer. Like so many I am disappointed by Provost George Breslauer’s and Chancellor Birgeneau’s failure to arrest escalating costs/tuition. Birgeneau/Breslauer doubled instate tuition. On an all-in cost UC Berkeley (UCB) is the most expensive public university; more expensive than Harvard, Yale. The tuition increases have forced students to take on more debt to finance their education. In 2010, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with loans, and those loans averaged $25,250
UC Berkeley ranked # 2 in faculty earning potential. Paying more is not a better university. Birgeneau/Breslauer dismissed: increasing the number of classes per faculty; eliminating courses with too few students; refraining from exorbitant salaries, bonuses; doubling the time between sabbaticals; freezing all vacant positions; freezing pay, benefits & reforming pensions, health costs. Birgeneau believes fiscal efficiency is not healthy for Cal. Exodus of faculty, chancellors, and administrators: who can afford them?
An American Enterprise Institute study found that UCB can operate well on much leaner budgets. Californians agree it is far from the ideal situation.

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - A Crisis of Competence · 0 replies · +2 points

Despite eligibility University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau and Provost Breslauer shed thousands of instate applicants. Qualified instate applicants to public Cal. are replaced by a $50,600 payment from born abroad affluent foreign and affluent out of state students. And, Birgeneau subsidizes affluent foreign and affluent out of state tuition in the guise of diversity while he doubles instate tuition/fees.

Cal. is not increasing enrollment. Birgeneau/Breslauer accept $50,600 foreign students and displaces qualified instate Californians (When depreciation of tax funded assets are included (as they should be), out of state and foreign tuition is more than $100,000 and does NOT subsidize instate tuition). Going to Cal. is now more expensive than Harvard, Yale.

With the recommendation of UC Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau, Provost Breslauer allowed campus police to use excessive force - rammed baton jabs - on students protesting Birgeneau‘s doubling of instate tuition. Opinions make a difference; email UC Board of Regents

12 years ago @ Inquirer GlobalNation - UP, Ateneo make it to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Continued Emvaressed....The UC system has, for example, multiple senior administrators with Ph.D.s who are getting nice paychecks for their expertise, the Budget Office staff gets paid to solve budget problems, and the renowned Haas School of Business has a world class lineup of business experts and graduate programs in financial engineering, global management, accounting, financing, and operations management.
Moreover, the funds used to pay the high cost of hiring outside consultants could have been used to make up for state budget cuts, student fee increases, furloughs and layoffs.
But, according to Vice Chancellor Frank Yeary, “The reason for not relying on internal experts is that self-diagnosis is not always impartial.”
If this is the reasoning by UC Berkeley decision makers, it is no wonder they are in a fiscal crisis. If the university system can’t trust its internal audits, maybe it is time for outside auditors to make all the university’s financial decisions. Those decisions might be based on more practical thinking than those made by the current university leadership University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau

12 years ago @ Inquirer GlobalNation - UP, Ateneo make it to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Emvaressed...a objective of assessment of University of California based on facts NOT historical reputation...UC Berkeley--one of the top universities in the nation, home to some of the finest professors, graduating some of the brightest students--can’t figure out how to save money. No joke. UC Berkeley spent $3 million plus expenses to hire an out-of-state auditing firm to help them find ways to reduce spending.
According to the Contra Costa Times, October 10, 2009, “When UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) was confronted with the $150 million challenge, he gave the matter deep thought, turned his focus eastward to the Boston-based consulting firm Bain & Co. and agreed to pay a $3 million budget (actual cost $7.2 million and growing) over the next two years for someone else to solve the problem.
“We [the Times] never attended business school, but we’re pretty sure that one of the definitions of financial crisis is spending $3 million on consultants to tell you how to get by with $150 million less than you thought you had.”

12 years ago @ Inquirer GlobalNation - UP, Ateneo make it to ... · 1 reply · -1 points

Reconsider your decision for admission to University of California Berkeley. (The author has 35 years’ consulting experience, has taught at UC Berkeley (Cal) where he observed the culture & way senior management work)

Cal. Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public money, not overseer of his own fiefdom (these are not isolated examples): recruits (uses California tax $) out of state $50,000 tuition students that displace qualified Californians from public university education; spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his & many vice chancellors jobs (prominent East Coast university accomplishing same 0 cost); pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures; in procuring a $3,000,000 consulting firm he failed to receive proposals from other firms; Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps 2010; tuition to Return on Investment drops below top 10; Birgeneau all employees meeting – only 50 attend; visits to Cal down 20%; NCAA places basketball program on probation, absence institutional control.

It’s all shameful. There is no justification for such practices by a steward of the public trust. Absolutely none.


12 years ago @ La Jolla Light - Fox to step down as UC... · 0 replies · +1 points

University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public money, not overseer of his own fiefdom.

Recruits (using California tax $) out of state, foreign $50,000 tuition students who displace qualified sons, daughters of Californians from public university
Spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his & vice chancellors work
(prominent East Coast University accomplishing same 0 cost).
University accrues $150 million of inefficiencies over his 8 year reign.
Pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures.
In procuring $3,000,000 consultants failed to receive proposals from other firms.
Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps 2010.
Tuition to Return on Investment drops below top10.
NCAA places basketball program on probation: absence institutional control.

These are not isolated examples: it’s all shameful. There is no justification for such actions by a steward of the public trust. Absolutely none. Like with an addiction, admitting you have a problem is the first step toward correcting it.

12 years ago @ Inquirer GlobalNation - College dream eludes i... · 0 replies · +1 points

Prof Liu, your talents are needed by University of California President Yudof and the UC Board of Regents.
University of California Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) has forgotten that he is a public servant, steward of the public
money, not overseer of his own fiefdom (these are not isolated examples):

recruits (uses California tax $) out of state $50,000 tuition
students that displace qualified Californians from public university
education; spends $7,000,000 + for consultants to do his & vice
chancellors work (prominent East Coast university accomplishing
same 0 cost); pays ex Michigan governor $300,000 for lectures; in
procuring $3,000,000 consultants he failed to receive proposals
from other firms; Latino enrollment drops while out of state jumps
2010; tuition to Return on Investment drops below top10; NCAA
places basketball program on probation: absence institutional control.
There is no justification for such practices by a steward of the public trust.
UC Board of Regents Chair Sherry Lansing must do a better job of vigorously enforcing oversight by President Yudof .

12 years ago @ - Brown warns of soaring... · 0 replies · +1 points

Teamwork Between University of California Faculty, Chancellors, UCOP Executives Brake Increases in Tuition for Foreign and Out of State Students. . As Californians face foreclosure, unemployment & depressed wages it's time the timid Governor, UC Board of Regents, whining President showed leadership by curbing costs, particularly wages, benefits. Curb UC tuition increases:
No furloughs
18 percent reduction in UCOP salaries & $50 million cut.
18 percent prune of campus chancellors', vice chancellors' salaries.
15 percent trim of tenured faculty salaries, increased teaching load
10 percent decrease in non-tenured faculty salaries, as well as increase research, teaching load
100% elimination of all Academic Senate, Academic Council costs, wages.

The Governor, UC Board of Regents, whining President can bridge the trust gap to the public by offering reassurances that salaries reflect depressed wages in California. The sky above UC has not, will not fall.