


56 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The Toast - How To Tell If You Are... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes. The world absolutely needs more commentary on Titty. I always thought that series needed another character named Fanny....

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - All Is White in So-Cal... · 0 replies · +1 points

Agreed. The white kids don't have to ask in order to be noticed. The children of color do, but when they do, that's seen as negative. So they are in a double bind already by the time they hit kindergarten. It sucks and as Renee points out that will only keep happening and their awareness of it will grow and it does damage on them and on us all.

I have to believe that blogging and writing and talking about racism and racist dynamics is going to help.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - "bought colored kids" · 0 replies · +1 points

Exactly! I just think, what if you instead gave even a fraction of that money to the actual parents of the child. That might affect their decision to keep the child or not. Or better yet give them the money, and then work for them as their nanny.... it's a job *and* you get to be part of a child's life and "part of the family"! How ideal.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - "bought colored kids" · 0 replies · +1 points

I used to think positively of open adoption especially, and after some thought (and posts like this one) I felt that I would not be able to adopt a child who, if I offered their parent(s) the 10K it would cost me to do the adoption, would then be able to keep their own baby.

We need better structures for people to support each other and be part of each others' lives. Adoption as I see it practiced in combination with systematic and racist ways of keeping many people poor just seem to be a terrible system.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - Why #teamambercole Mat... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for posting this and I agree with you. And we should all be calling people out for passing that video around. What the hell are they thinking! It's horrible.

13 years ago @ Badgermama - Tabloid Junkie · 2 replies · +13 points

Don't worry dude, I don't need to, I can just recruit yours. 8-P

13 years ago @ Badgermama - Visit to the manatees · 0 replies · +1 points

But here is my reply anyway. The thing I'm worried about is, I have to take a boat ride to get there, but I don't think I can walk through a parking lot, through whatever nature center stuff is there, to a boat, and then through the park on crutches. I will need the wheelchair but will they let me take the wheelchair on the boat? I am sure I can perfectly well get the chair on there but they will just as surely fuss and freak out.

But I'm going there tomorrow and can't wait!

13 years ago @ Badgermama - Visit to the manatees · 1 reply · +1 points

I took my kids to Homasassa State Park a few years ago and they enjoyed it. The
manatees were very interesting, and it was easy to walk around with walkways
everywhere. There was a visitor's center, and a short boat ride to the park area.

Silver Springs is also a nice place to visit. They have glass-bottom boat rides
in their park, and a lot of animal exhibits. My kids enjoy it when we visit the

-- Colleen

(Colleeen I just accidentally deleted your comment instead of replying! Argh!

13 years ago @ Badgermama - Thundertail! she meowed · 1 reply · +1 points

Well, they're annoying, but weirdly compelling! I bet she'd like them.

Have you read Swordbird?

13 years ago @ Ms Magazine Blog - My Little Homophobic, ... · 0 replies · -34 points

I would also like to point out that throne is not only all about hierarchical power structures, it's not very accessible! I am off to write fic where the Princess Teacher pony gets wheeled hindquarters and demolishes the staircase!