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8 years ago @ The Toast - Let's Talk About Our F... · 0 replies · +1 points
I other favourite haunt was Yahoo! groups/pages. I remember when Rob and Gabe and Tyler from Midtown would comment on their group. And the time someone put together a scrapbook for Adam from Taking Back Sunday when he broke his collarbone.
8 years ago @ The Toast - A Meat Processing Prof... · 0 replies · +15 points
8 years ago @ The Toast - Jobs I Have Had · 0 replies · +4 points
The job where the weekly production meeting was the owner's opportunity to verbally abuse his wife (my other boss) and where sticking it out for one year would get you pretty much any job in my hometown because the owner is so notoriously awful. (I didn't cash in hard enough on this one but I did enjoy giving my notice the day the boss left for a 4-week vacation and having his "You're really screwing me over" comments roll off my back.
8 years ago @ The Toast - Jobs I Have Had · 2 replies · +4 points
The job where white teens were allowed to take on semi-management roles but staff of colour were not allowed to cash out tills at the end of their shift.
The job where a child physically assaulted and choked other children but was kept in camp because "his mother needs childcare" and he'd been kicked out of every other camp and my boss running the camp was his mom's BFF.
The job where the boss' son was "assistant" front of house manager and hit on/harassed the customers, the staff, the delivery people and anyone he could get near, with complete impunity.
The job where my department head yelled at a mostly-women admin team to "stop bitching" in an employee survey response meeting (specifically held to address employee concerns).
The job where a colleague used the n-word toward a black colleague and the person who reported it to HR was reprimanded for "causing drama".
The job where my boss found me sobbing under the weight of my work (which should be done by three people and previously had been) and told me to "smile more" and "lie if [I] have to" when colleagues ask how I am rather than admit to them that I'm overwhelmed.
The job where my supervisor told me my job was "smiles and coffee" but had no plan to mitigate the other responsibilities that distracted me from smiling and making coffee.
Too many of those are my current job or a different position with my current employer.
8 years ago @ The Toast - What Wouldn't You Do W... · 0 replies · +1 points
8 years ago @ The Toast - If Josh Hutcherson Wer... · 1 reply · +28 points
8 years ago @ The Toast - At the Corner of the R... · 0 replies · +3 points
Another connection to home in books is "Fort Simmer" in Richard Van Camp's novels and stories. It's based on our hometown of Fort Smith, NWT and I remember re-reading The Lesser Blessed recently and remembering from his descriptions the high school gym, before the renovations.
eta: I feel like Canadians don't often get to connect home to real places outside of L.M. Mongomery's PEI and Margaret Atwood's descriptions of Toronto. Or maybe it just feels like that.
8 years ago @ The Toast - "Not So Bad": On Conse... · 0 replies · +10 points
9 years ago @ The Toast - If The Tim Hortons Goa... · 0 replies · +9 points
(that wasn't meant to rub it in, but to be a Timmy Ho's solidarity breakfast)
9 years ago @ The Toast - Signs The Vaguely-Name... · 0 replies · +2 points