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6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Why are audiences brea... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your kind words Terry22justice.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Why are audiences brea... · 0 replies · +1 points

I detail above my recollections about a visit to the War Office in the early 60's via a friend of one of my Uncles, during this visit we met several people who had worked with Sir Winston through the War, in these Offices. I ccannot give you fact and figure but I do clearly remember one chap telling my Uncle how Sir Winston liked to talk to the 'Man in the Street', to get the views of the many rather than the few, ie the high ranking Bods who of course surrounded him. From what I can remember Sir Winston would and could talk to anyone, from a Chimney sweep to an Office Manager or CEO as they call thenselves now-a-days. My Uncle was quite interested in this fact and would often recall that conversation and relate it to many. I cannot say I remember anything about the Tube, but from what all was said that day to be honest it would not surprise me! Sir Winston was many things but from all accounts he was not a Snob and valued the views of the General Public.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Why are audiences brea... · 0 replies · +1 points

Quite agree. One could say JonBoy88 is incontinent in every way?

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Why are audiences brea... · 0 replies · +1 points

I do believe there is no way he would have agreed to our Country being ruled by a Federal States of Europe which is already showing it's Communistic traits. You could not, by any stretch of the immagination, see Sir Winston accepting one word of rule from the failed Politicians of Europe who make up the Rulers of the EU. Juncker, Barnier et al have all been rejected by their own Countries or are career Politicians, there is not one whowould be worthy to shake his hand, least of all Macron who appears to have decided that he now runs the whole corrupt, wasteful, Communistic shebang. Sir Winston Churchill was, above all, an Englishman who was loyal to his King and Country. A great many find it difficult to be loyal to anything.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Why are audiences brea... · 2 replies · +1 points

I have not seen the Film yet, mainly as I live in the back of beyond and nearest Cinema is 40 miles away, but will get the DVD. However I was so very lucky that in the 60's, via a friend of his, I was lucky enough to see the War Office with an Aunt and Uncle. We spent a couple of hours going round the Control Room/Cabinet Office etc.,together with all the operational equipment which was still there at that time. I was young then and although had always been brought up to admire Churchill something hit home to me that day. I can't really describe what it was but I knew then that I was an Englishwoman in the making and nothing would ever be more important than Queen and Country, outside one's own Family. When Sir Winston died and I saw the amazing 'London' State funeral he was given and the thousands of people from all over the UK who travelled many miles to be there, the way the Dockers and Tugs along the Thames saluted Sir Winston, I knew I was just one of Millions of people who were loyal to our Queen and Country. That feeling has never left me and never will.

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - The destruction of Ger... · 0 replies · +1 points

The long and short of the situation with Merkel is that she is signed up to the Kalergi Plan, she has won the Kalergi Prize, as has Blair, Obama and many more left wing Leaders and/or High Flyers. This is completely backed by Soros and his Open Society, by and large the same thing. She cannot be flexible, she cannot adapt because it is totally the opposite to her true beliefs. Soros has created a situation in Africa, Pakistan, et al, all the Countries from which the economic migrants have come from. Look at the hundreds of thousands of completely fit, healthy, strong and able young Men, all of Islamic persuasian who make up the 'Economic Migrants'. You do not see underfed, broken spirited, fighters who have been oppressed, who are in any way Refugees. This is the Army of 'The Replacement', this Army is adored by the Lourrrrvies, the Lilly Allens, the Yvette Coopers, the Charlotte Churches, Cumberbatch, JK Rowling and many others of that ilk, in our midst. If, and it is a very real if, the Western Goverments do not act against these EM's very soon, within possibily 10 - 30 years, possibly sooner, all our Countries will fall to the rule of Islam. I am not suggesting that all Muslim people, who follow Islam are part of this Plan, but a pretty good majority are. The Moderate Muslim people are terrified of the Jaihadis, for the most part many know who they are but are afraid to speak out because they know what their Fate would be. I have to go back to this Replacement Army, you do not have to look far to see what life is like in the Countries they come from, Somalia, Congo, Eritera, Pakistan etc, do you seriously think that earning a pittance in their own Countries they and/or their Families could save up enough to pay People Smuglers upward of £5K to get to Europe? The majority of these people come from areas where much of the population is starving, there is no way they could get hold of this kind of money. The Money Lenders would not Lend to these type of people, they know the chance of getting repaid is zilch. What we have been told is rubbish and yet again indicates that our so called Leaders think we are all stupid, most particularly the EU Leaders, who are almost all unwanted in their own Countries, lost Elections or been chucked out for one reason or another. Juncker is waiting to go to Court In Lux for Spying and 'irregular' Money dealing etc - he keeps putting off going to Court - Eight times he was supposed to give his evidence, to the best of my knowledge he still has not done so. Why, if he is innocent what does he have to hide? They all have dark secrets, this is why they do not want Democrocy within the EU. If you have not Read up about this Kalergi Plan, conceived in the1920's, please do, add Soros and his money to the mix, plus what has happened in Europe over the past 3/4 years - like a Jigsaw, - it al adds up. We are in a seriously worrying situation and we need the Elephant to be brought out of the Room and explored. Sorry to say it quite simply adds up!

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - And the Word was made.... · 0 replies · +1 points

On that subject may I, without Speculating, Spinning, or using Guesswrok as per the BBC, Wish Everyone on and at Con Home a Very Happy Christmas and an even Happier and Prosperous New Year - Despite Brexit!
Best Wishes to you all! : )

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - If Fallon's account of... · 0 replies · +1 points

You sound like someone that works as is necessary and will also have a laugh and joke when time allows? I had mainly Men working with me, we always got on pretty well. At the same tome I did keep a little distance because it would have been wrong not to have doen so. We live in a strange world at the moment, I am just glad my Dad is no longer here to see all this, he was a Gentleman who liked and respected Women, would always Open Doors, carry bags, assist in any way, as I say by any standards a Gent. He would most likely be on some List or the other now! It quite worries me for the Gentlemen who are still with us, I do know they are about but they need to be careful in current climes!

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - If Fallon's account of... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, I had not got this far into comment when I wrote above that I wondered if it could be anything to do with Jared O'Mara the Momentum guy who has disgraced Labour? If it was a 'get back' situation it will open up the Cans of Worms in every direction?

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - If Fallon's account of... · 0 replies · +1 points

Apparently Julia HB has said, this issue about her knee was in the Public Domain 15 years or so ago. Why the sudden hoo haa? Could it be because of the ghastly Jared O'Hara?