26p4 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0
10 years ago @ Wonkette - Let's Put Some Food On... · 0 replies · +4 points
10 years ago @ http://thinkingautismg... - Autism: Feeding Issues... · 0 replies · +1 points
A thing I will suggest: See if your child is willing to experiment with different methods of preparation. Some foods are milder tasting when cooked or raw, and some foods get weird aftertastes if they're even a little overcooked (broccoli, for example). Texture likewise changes with preparation method. It might be that your kid can stomach raw carrots if they're the really finely cut type that you can get from the supermarket, for example.
This is me talking about me, here, but when I was a kid, finding one way I could stand a new food became a gateway to trying different ways of preparing that food. After I got used to carrots finely julienned, for example, I started experimenting with them cut into sticks. And then slices. And then baby carrots. The whole process from initial discovery that I didn't mind carrots this way to them becoming one of my favorite foods took years, but it was progress. On the other hand, pressuring or forcing me to eat stuff I didn't like was counter-productive - I'd just end up hating it more. I still can't eat macaroni and cheese from those premade mixes, for example. I also can't stand celery.
As well, even as an adult (I'm still a picky eater, just not as picky as I used to be, mainly because now that I'm an adult, nobody gives me grief about whether or not I'm trying something new and I can approach new foods and food experiments in a zero-pressure environment rather than having everyone make a big spectacle about how my behind isn't leaving my seat until I have X more bites of some new thing that I hate), there are some foods that I can only eat cooked a certain way - frex: I'll only eat mushrooms that are raw or lightly sauteed. Mushrooms that are fried or overcooked at all. I will only eat celery that's pureed and in a soup. I will eat diced tomatoes if all the inside seed slime has been washed off, but only then. Etc. People sometimes tease me about how particular I am about my food preparation, but whatever. I'm eating with more variety than having X for breakfast, Y for lunch and Z for supper every day for a month.
10 years ago @ The Toast - The State of Abortion ... · 1 reply · +3 points
10 years ago @ Wonkette - Internet Yells At Midd... · 0 replies · +4 points
And if you want to maintain your not-being-a-jerk-to-autistic-people cred, don't donate to Autism Speaks. Here's why.