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10 years ago @ MilitaryAdvantage.Mili... - Riled by Top Enlisted'... · 2 replies · +5 points
The increasingly facile manner with which Congress and the military's senior enlisted and officer corps support breaking promises, though...that's bad news. If they'll break promises in these arenas, what arenas are "off limits"?
Will they one day deny requests for fire support 'cuz its either cut the lifeline to troops out on the fronts or raise taxes?
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - LCS Wargame Reveals Ne... · 0 replies · +3 points
10 years ago @ Defense Tech - Pentagon Cuts Research... · 1 reply · -1 points
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Official: U.S. Militar... · 0 replies · +6 points
Not when the owner/operators (the CEO, "major shareholders", and Wall Street) of the (mostly) American corporations that in turn own those "lawmakers" have been giving the PRC the technology required for the building of advanced weaponry and its means of mass - and rapid - manufacturer ever since Reagan/Bush/Clinton/BushV2.0 and Congress enabled the sell-out of America.
Or betrayed America, to be more precise.
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Top Weapons Buyer Disp... · 0 replies · -1 points
To tell you the truth that strikes me as being a subterfuge...a way of selling Congress/the American people platform X at Y price even though you know that you're going to be tacking Y+1, Y+2, Y+3, Y+[...] onto the actual cost forever and ever, amen.
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Shrinking Army Studies... · 0 replies · +1 points
And cannot be defeated by simple measures like jamming and/or EMP.
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Iraq to Buy Hellfire M... · 0 replies · +1 points
Better, I guess, to hope that we already have an anti-missile system that has a 100% kill ratio against Hellfires...'cuz if they're only $70K apiece when we SELL 'em, a nation that rigs their currency exchange rate - say, the PRC - could crank 'em out at $10K or less a pop.
10 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Will Aircraft Carriers... · 0 replies · 0 points
And (the Boolean kind) if we hadn't have given our most significant potential adversary our industrial infrastructure/arsenal, our technology, and its means of manufacture so that we are guaranteed that they can afford to build missiles in sufficient quantities to barrage-fire them...and (Boolean, again) we had no reason to believe that they could hit, say, the moon or small targets like orbiting satellites...
Carriers will be useful for brush wars forever...but for global conflicts? I think I would also work on survival suits that were tough, fireproof, could take shrapnel hits, float independently, and carried some small armaments for sailors and naval aviators. And the Marine complement, of course.
11 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Navy P-8A Surveillance... · 0 replies · -3 points
'Cuz if the day comes that the PRC decides that it has both the will to go hot and has been sold sufficient American dual-use technology and its means of manufacture to out-build the industry-as-arsenal of the United States, I'm pretty sure those AINOs who bought the Republicans and neoliberals in order to betray the American-people-as-"labor" and so these United States of America had already decided "Well, if worse comes to worst we can always go nuclear."
11 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Israel Bumps Marines, ... · 0 replies · +1 points