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13 years ago @ Pushing Social - Lady Gaga’s 8-Point ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with the guy (forgot his name) that said it started with the music--in other words the product. She cares about her product and that's why she attends to every detail. Her caring about her audience I believe is genuine. Yes, she knows how to keep herself up front and noticed and she has great courage, fortitude and follow through; all the things that we need to have a successful anything; business, relationship, family, life. I am admirer of the Lady for her courage and her ability to ignore everyone who call her a freak. I have a little site on how to dress like Lady Gaga and tonight I actually received a comment from her. My family says it must be staff and I could understand that but it really wouldn't surprise me if it were her. She's a success because she cares about her product and her customers which are her fans.
My recent post Lady Gaga Costumes Game Plan

13 years ago @ SmartBlog On Social Media - Why fashion is behind ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It makes sense. Every industry is being effected by the internet and blogging. The whole world of advertising and reaching people is changing the same way it changed when television started to become popular for advertising on a large scale. People are relying more and more on an online social network and what they see, read about and discuss in places just like this. Some industries are ahead of the curve and some are having to catch up.

13 years ago @ The Domestic Diva - Afternoon Coffee with ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I used to drink coffee almost all day long. Since they've come out with this 5 hour energy I drink that instead as the coffee was giving me a headache. But I LOVE Starbucks just like you. So I figure its a good thing I'm not on so much coffee as I would probably wind up at Starbucks a few times a day spending money I shouldn't. They really should do something about making their products so well liked.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 2 replies · +4 points

Where is today's lesson? July 1st?

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 1 reply · +3 points

I find using the phrase "love and tolerance" a great tool for me in acquiring patience. When I looked up tolerance in the dictionary one definition regards machinery or engineering. It says "the permissible range of variation" or "allowance". For me it resonated. Prior to this, tolerance to me had meant to tolerate bad behavior, but now tolerance meant that I could allow someone to be different then me. I have eventually reached the conclusion that I don't have enough information to know what is right or wrong for anyone else. We are each on a spiritual journey weather we know it or not, and only God knows enough to judge what is right or wrong for someone else. I don't however have to place myself in a position to be hurt. I can accept there is a runaway train coming down the track--I don't have to stand in the middle of the track. When I remember that we are all precious children of God, or children of the Universe or whatever--its just semantics--I can see that we are all doing the best we can with the tools we have at that moment in time. Laura talks about that in the Sylva Life System when we go back to our child self and forgive ourselves. If it's true for me, than it has to be true for all of us.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 4 replies · +3 points

I've used many ways to release past programming. For many years I didn't even know what I was thinking WAS past programming. So I had to become aware first. I've used meditation with the mirrors and mental screen and having the past screen get smaller and smaller until it just poofs out of existence. That was in one of the previous Silva courses. I've also used some of my own where I have locked them up in chests, like pirate type chests and given them to a higher power who then took them away to a place where "they" which are negative beliefs or whatever, they are taken away to be transmuted into positive energy. If I start listening to my ego during the day (the ego being the part that doesn't know I'm a spiritual being and all is well), when then I just say "thank you for sharing", but I don't believe you today, I know I am ---protected, precious child of God, whatever. So replace the lie of the ego with the truth of the universe. The Silva Life System Home Study is just full of wonderful information and exercises. This is great, but if you haven't, I highly recommend you who haven't to take that and your questions will be answered. I don't work for them by the way. I just see how many of you seem to have questions and the answers are in the course. I hope I don't sound rude or something but it is very powerful and so worth the cost and contains so much information.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 2 replies · +1 points

The Bonus sections you are taking about are in the Silva Life System Home Study Course. If you did not purchase that course then you will not be able to access the workbook. Many of the Techniques that Laura is talking about were taught in that course. I think that is why so many of you think you are missing something. It seems this Masters Circle assumes that you have completed the Silva Life System Course. I hope this helps those who keep thinking they have missed something.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 0 replies · +3 points

The techniques she is referring to were taught in the Silva Life System and the Mind/Body healing course. The bad habit I want to change is NOT meditating and visualizing regularly. I applied the techniques three times a day when I was doing the Mind/Body course and had tremendous success. Since then I have started a blog and I'm constantly feeling like I need to "catch up" on all the tasks associated with getting posts on the blog and getting it noticed in google and just tons of work to make it successful. I know deep in my heart that doing spiritual/mind work is really the most effective way to reach my goals, but my mind keeps telling me "I'll do it later, I have to get this finished first". What positive statement could I use to convince myself that meditation and mind techniques are really the best way to work?

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ok. I'm game to trying this tonight. I do not go to bed with the intention of remembering a dream so this will be an interesting experience for me.