39p30 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0
8 years ago @ The Toast - "Remember who your rea... · 0 replies · +5 points
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 0 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 0 replies · +1 points
Though you may have been raised by adults who went through infertility you have as much understanding of what they went through as they do about what it's like to be adopted. As for dealing with the strongest feelings of infertility anyone should deal with them no matter what path the go down. It can have consequences on so many different people and aspects in that couple/person's life. The same can be said for anyone who has dealt with any trauma or loss in their lives. Unfortunately our society is not really empathetic to these people.
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 2 replies · +1 points
I disagree about no one guilting others into adopting from Foster Care. The below comment is exactly that and has nothing to do with unethical behavior in Domestic Infant Adoption:
"We have more than 100k children in US care right now who need permanent homes. Knowing that statistic, one has to wonder why anyone would even consider going the private, domestic infant route or exotic, intercountry route - unless they were in it for the gratification of their own needs/wants, such as the "white Christian saviour" itch, the womb-wet, "as if born to" itch or other entitlement-tinged desire. "
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 4 replies · +1 points
I agree with you that adoption should be for children who need families to raise them.
You are wrong that no one is pushing infertiles into adopting. Any time an infertile discloses that they are infertile to someone who asks the "do you have kids" question the "Just Adopt" comes up more times than not. In the adoption community infertiles who are interested in domestic infant adoption are pushed to adopt from Foster Care when the kids in Foster Care have nothing to do with Domestic Infant Adoption. Advocate against Domestic Infant Adoption but don't feel the need to propose an alternative.
I recognize you have issues with adoption and have been hurt by it. I empathize with your pain but realize your pain has nothing to do with my pain or anyone who is infertile's pain. If you care so much about the children in Foster Care waiting to be adopted, perhaps you should open up your heart and home to a child and adopt that child.
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 6 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 1 reply · +1 points
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 2 replies · +3 points
No, adoption and third party reproduction aren't a cure for infertility. But for some people it is a solution for childlessness.
Regardless of how a couple decides to proceed with their lives they must deal with their pain. It has consequences on others in their lives such as spouses, family members and friends. I can speak from personal experience.
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 8 replies · +2 points
And BTW I'm infertile and will not be adopting. Why should I be guilted and shamed for not adopting but fertile couples aren't?
9 years ago @ The Toast - Why the Trend of Adopt... · 3 replies · +1 points