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11 years ago @ A Political Season - Creating a Tea Party I... · 1 reply · +3 points

I don't think there is a myth that the Tea Party is all about hating black folks. I think black folks find the Tea Party unwelcoming because its composed mostly of white conservatives

You should have just stopped there.
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11 years ago @ A Political Season - Creating a Tea Party I... · 0 replies · +3 points

Lacking political will (which is the will I was talking about) to be self governing is not the same as work ethic. It means getting off the idea of the state taking care of you cradle to grave, and frankly, it is endemic. The exceptions don't disprove the rule. Getting upset and indignant doesn't change the numbers, and it doesn't raise anyone out of poverty.

Black people as an aggregate were improving in station and economic class since Reconstruction at a steady rate until the 60s, and then went into steep decline. That decline coincides exactly with the Great Society experiment and the massive expansion of the welfare state. Facts are facts. You tell ME what changed in black people in the 60s, because I don't think white people suddenly became less tolerant in 1965 than they were in 1915 when Birth of Nation was the most popular film.
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11 years ago @ A Political Season - Creating a Tea Party I... · 2 replies · +3 points

One thing that instantly comes to mind is that the name should have NOTHING to do with the TEA party. At that point you aren't making a movement, you are copying a movement, and every "copy " of any grassroots movement has been a disaster.

Unfortunately, movements like that can't be engineered. No one knew Santelli's "taxed enough already" rant was going to take off like it did. The best you can do is lay the foundations so that when the trigger event happens, things can be brought up to speed quickly. If you try to engineer it from the top, then you get... a top down organization.

These are the hardest parts, though. First, black people have to have the will to do for themselves. The state is doing everything it can to stamp out individual will in black people. They've done a better job than 400 years of chattel slavery did, frankly. I don't know if that is going to come back in our lifetimes. Second, you have to realize that the TEA party is NOT your adversary in this. If a movement like this happens, they are your natural allies -- much more than any other national movement. If black people can't get over this myth that the TEA party is all about hating black folks, then you're throwing away a bootstrapping opportunity that will likely doom any new movement (the same way the TEA party would have been stunted had it not leveraged an alliance of convenience with the GOP.)
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12 years ago @ A Political Season - Romney Goes to the NAACP · 1 reply · +1 points

Just so I know what we are talking about, you are claiming that when an entire race votes in a block, when the only thing they have in common is their race, you think that isn't racist?

12 years ago @ A Political Season - Romney Goes to the NAACP · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm sorry that reality doesn't agree with your theory.

The reality is that with a white guy and a black guy on the ticket, the white vote will split nearly down the middle, along ideological lines, and the black vote will virtually all go to the black guy.

That's racism from the black side, not the white side. Straight up.
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12 years ago @ A Political Season - Romney Goes to the NAACP · 1 reply · +1 points

I understand your argument. I made it for years.

And I stopped making it when I realized it was wrong. Black people live in a culture that encourages racist thinking. As a result, black people vote in a racist block.

You can't reason someone out of a behavior that they weren't reasoned into.
My recent post The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

12 years ago @ A Political Season - Romney Goes to the NAACP · 0 replies · +1 points

Neither side is talking to black people at the NAACP. In fact, they aren't talking to black people at all. 90%+ of black people are going to vote for Obama, even if he's caught with a dead girl or a live boy. There's nothing to be gained there, by either side.

If Obama or Romney are talking in front of black people, the black people are props for their message to voters that are actually going to think before they vote.
My recent post The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

12 years ago @ A Political Season - Cory Booker is Batman · 0 replies · +1 points

Good on him.

13 years ago @ A Political Season - I\'m Sorry, but Cain i... · 0 replies · +1 points

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13 years ago @ Big Government - Opponents of the Natio... · 1 reply · +9 points

Ditto. The first thing I thought was, "the appointment of Senators was considered archaic and outdated, so we got the 17th, and it's been all downhill from there." To me, the biggest issue with this proposal is magnifying fraud in one area. Right now, we can look at where the crucial states are, and watch for fraud in those places. With this, we will have every corrupt democratic machine run city in the country (which is every major city in the country) turning out 95% of the electorate, and 95% of that going to the Democrats.

If I trusted our election results already, I might support this. Given that they are ALREADY rife with fraud, I can't get behind making it easier on the fraudsters.