


33 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ - Review: ZOOTOPIA (2016) · 0 replies · +1 points

In my case, I wouldn't care much about the preachy, anti-racism messages that were being cranked out by the dozen in Zootopia. I would have likely went to it specifically for Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, on the account of myself being a furry, as well as the fact that they're a team working together to solve cases. Hell, I would have easily wrote a furry fan-fic that romantically ships Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, marries them together, and have them bear fox/rabbit hybrid children, not just for many of the exact same reasons as most other spouses, but also to symbolize the predators and prey's ability to coexist peacefully with each other in Zootopia, even if it means procreating hybrid animal children themselves like Judy and Nick.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Post · 1 reply · +2 points

Well, if they did, then surely they cared about how BAD they were compared to the Twilight/Tirek fight. They HATED the way the key episodes were written, and EQUALLY HATED the bad designs and toyetic nature of the Rainbow Power and Rainbow Castle! As a result, they are unintentionally disregarding friendship, while praising the stupid Twilight/Tirek fight for doing what Dragon Ball Z always did: Disregard and dispose of the hero's friends, while making the hero herself an overpowered monster.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Post · 1 reply · +1 points

Straight face? As in you're serious about it, and not sarcastic?

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Post · 22 replies · +3 points

Twilight Sparkle herself, and the way she almost abandoned her friends for stupid alicorn magic, was the reason why I'm being turned off by MLP right now. She ALWAYS render her friends obsolete with her overpowered magic, and thus render friendship meaningless!

And the bronies, too. They care too much about the Twilight/Tirek fight, but don't care at all about the five key episodes, the Rainbow Power, and Rainbow Castle. Which means they must WANT Twilight's friends to be murdered for their uselessness and irrelevancy!

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - MLP: FIENDship is Magi... · 2 replies · +3 points

You know, for all my constant talk about Twilight's friends getting tossed aside for her empowerment, DBZ-style, I actually don't mind two other sets of deaths:


In Sailor Moon Classic's two-part finale, all four of the Inner Senshi died destroying the Youma guarding the Dark Kingdom's lair, and thus clearing a path for Usagi to reach the final battle. As for the Mass Effect trilogy, Kaidan/Ash died evacuating the other off of Virmire; Mordin died curing the genophage; Thane died saving the salarian councilor from Kai Leng; and Legion disseminated its personality to grant the geth true individuality.

In other words, I don't mind death in a story, so long as it's portrayed as a heroic sacrifice, rather than an act of victimization. Which implies that I would have rather seen Twilight's friends die or go down HELPING Twilight, than get victimized to move her character-arc forward.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Early Morning Discussi... · 2 replies · +2 points

And yet the Rainbow Power and Rainbow Castle were deliberately criticized, both for being ugly in design and toyetic in nature, the former bordering on Deus Ex Machina, and the latter replacing Twilight's library. Which is even more proof that the bronies have stopped caring about friendship and cared more about Twilight becoming an overpowered bad-ass at the expense of her friends.

As for "Cutie Map", eventually we're going to have an episode called "Castle Sweet Castle", which deals with Twilight's grief for her destroyed library. As a result, that episode is going to be (at the very least for me) a grim reminder of the way Twilight almost abandoned everything that made her work (including her own BUCKING FRIENDS) for the sake of becoming an overpowered Super Saiyan bad-ass.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Early Morning Discussi... · 4 replies · +1 points

You saw how Abbeybunny disregarded every key episode except Pinkie Pride? This is proof that the bronies have abandoned friendship to turn it into Dragon Ball Z, just like the Season Four finale!

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Early Morning Discussi... · 1 reply · +1 points

See? What did I tell you? All that build-up to the finale gets rendered meaningless not only by the finale itself, but also the bronies! They DON'T CARE about Twilight's friends fighting against their own Elements of Harmony, teaching somepony else about their Elements, and receiving keys as a result. To them, they're just useless compared to apocalyptic alicorn magic!

So let's brutally murder Twilight's friends and make the entire show all about alicorn magic from now on, just as DBZ gets rid of all notion of friendship and teamwork for the sake of more Super Saiyans!

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Early Morning Discussi... · 13 replies · +5 points

I still think the Season Four finale abandoned the show's roots by dis-empowering and victimizing Twilight's friends, just as a lazy excuse to make her overpowered. Just like DBZ.

And that the bronies abandoned their roots as well, and would rather see Twilight's friends murdered to make her stronger as well. After all, they hate the five key episodes, the Rainbow Power, and Rainbow Castle, but LOVE TO DEATH the stupid Twilight/Tirek fight. Which is even more proof that they have abandoned friendship and would rather see the show degenerate into Dragon Ball Z.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #1168 · 0 replies · +4 points

Who cares about the S5 premiere?! In the S4 finale, Twilight's friends were made irrelevant by alicorn magic, and might as well be murdered to hammer that fact in. And the bronies would outright praise this crap, while disregarding the five key episodes, the Rainbow Power, Rainbow Castle, and all the friendship they're supposed to represent compared to the stupid alicorn magic!