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11 years ago @ Deep Thoughts - Pastor Barry Cook arre... · 0 replies · +2 points

Why are you still keeping this article in circulation continually to discredit Dr. Barry Cook.

I am a close friend of Dr. Barry Cook. Dr. Cook was my Pastor in California, and now
he has been my close personal friend for over 12 years. I have assisted Dr. Cook on many occasions and for the last 7 years have become his Assistant in all church projects from California to his move to Montgomery, Alabama. I moved to Alabama, shortly after this incident standing with Dr. Cook during this ordeal. Many have asked why I would drop everything to relocate with the information that was presented. My answer has always been because Dr. Barry Cook is innocent of the charges that
are being brought against him; I believe this to be true without a shadow of a

The media has neglected to retract some vital information, once it was found out that the situation was a domestic dispute, which Christian Life Church’s spokesperson confirmed and not the alleged crime Dr. Cook was accused of. The individual who reported this information fabricated the story with many depths of fiction. There is no report anywhere
that Dr. Cook, hurt anyone, this including a child. The spokesperson for
Child protection made a statement accusing Dr. Cook of a crime that was not
investigated without clear facts.

Unfortunately, I have realize first hand that in Montgomery
Alabama if you are arrested for anything your name is placed in a data base
given to law enforcement publications and sent out, this all before an
arraignment or trial. Once accurate information is presented then your name is
removed however it takes money out your pocket to hire more attorneys to remove
the stuff already circulating on the web and newspapers...sad but true

Again, I have stay close to Dr. Cook concerning this matter.
I also wanted to add that Dr. Barry Cook is a very talented, Highly
Gifted Ministry, a wonderful father and a great Man of God, who is loved and
appreciated. There have been many people who saw this story and were angry.
Those who know him knew the truth, and have stood with him during this time,
being persistent in contacting the county and attorneys researching all truths
and believing in the person they know and love.

Many people have their own opinions but it is important to search the facts, find the truths; don't use this article to destroy Dr. Cooks credibility, who is a pillar
of the community and most of all devoted Minster of God’s word. I am very much disappointed in Christian Life Church, not speaking up for Dr. Barry Cook. Dr. Barry Cook has been associated and has traveled back and forth to Montgomery for many years preaching at Christian Life Church. Just as I know working closely with Dr. Cook for over 12 years…Dr. Cook is innocent. Christian Life Church and its members know of his innocents yet have decided to be silent on this matter. I don’t understand why CLC
would close the door on this Man of God who within a year working day to day at
Christian Life Church Dr. Barry Cook was responsible for the growth spurt of
50% of Christian Life Church’s members.