Carla Runs the World

Carla Runs the World


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12 years ago @ - Why Bike Shopping is L... · 0 replies · +1 points

The difference is that with the dress you either don't try one above your budget or you do and then find a way to rationalize buying it :)

I have the Fuji Newest 1.0 from a few years ago and I love it! Took me to work countless days! Sadly, it's now in storage since it didn't make its way to Manila...

12 years ago @ - Ch-ch-changes · 1 reply · +1 points

Clicked on the link of your blog from my reader just to give you a page view (might as well support the ads, no?). I don't mind ads, specially when people are being upfront about it! And here's hoping it does cover some race fees!

12 years ago @ - Anything But Running · 0 replies · +1 points

Still catching up on blogs after my trip, sorry this is late! I heard there's a really nice pool at GWU people can use (I think you work in DC, right?). A friend of mine once found the info, if you're interested, shoot me an email and I can see if I still have the details.
My recent post Easy 3

12 years ago @ - GCN Awards Gala · 0 replies · +1 points

LOVE your dress! You look stunning!

12 years ago @ - A Weighty Question · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow, you got a lot of comments (too lazy to read them), but as a society we tell fat people all the time that they're costing us more health insurance, that they'll live shorter, etc. Maybe if you're my friend I won't tell you, but I won't say anything if you're too skinny either. (I don't have any friends that are unhealthy in a "you won't live long way" -- big or small, so who knows if a good friend had a bad behavior!)

On that note, as far as costing too much health insurance, I have read that healthy people actually costs us a lot more than the obese one (the obese might end up with diabetes and heart attack, but they live shorter lives -- people who live longer end up using more resources in those years, specially once you reach old age). Just thought it was interesting!

12 years ago @ - 9/11 Memorial 5K Race · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, because after running a 5k, you REALLY need to replace those calories with pizza, burgers and hotdogs. Of course. (At least that's what I tell myself!)
My recent post Now THAT’S commitment

12 years ago @ - 9/11 Memorial 5K Race · 2 replies · +1 points

That's one of my favorite DC races! (And the first race I've ever ran, back in 2007!) The atmosphere and post race spread is awesome, isn't it?
My recent post Now THAT’S commitment

12 years ago @ - My New Favorite Runnin... · 0 replies · +1 points

I HATE doing laundry and can spend weeks without doing it (pre-Manila, of course, as now I have help), and definitely am known for wearing clothes more than once, but with workout clothes I can't do that. I have worn the same sports bra more than once only because I had no clean ones, but can't do that with the shirts. Specially since they usually stink so much, but even if they didn't! (I do love your new top, but it costs way to much when it's not free! Let's hope I can snag it on a sale at some point since the summer running clothes are good for me year-round, even when people are ready to buy winter outfits!)
My recent post Turtles and Sardines!

12 years ago @ - My New Favorite Runnin... · 2 replies · +1 points

I need something like this here in the Philippines! But ew, you don't wash it because it doesn't stink? Gross! (Sorry, I'm judging, but you don't wash after you run?)
My recent post Turtles and Sardines!

12 years ago @ - Running the D.C. Monum... · 1 reply · +1 points

Monuments were my favorite route! Of course, I'd start in VA, so it's closer to me... Roosevelt Island, up Rosslyn, pass Iwo Jima and the cemetery, across the Memorial Bridge, into the Mall, and either run in front of the Capitol, or run past it if we needed more mileage (it's about 4.5 from our usual start).
My recent post One more race bought out by the Rock n Roll series!