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6 years ago @ Wonkville - For ten years the 100 ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Now that there is so much light pollution at this location it's time to think about moving the telescope, possibly to the southern hemisphere, to a darker location.

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Two weeks ago, accordi... · 0 replies · +7 points

I'm not sure. I haven't kept up although it seems he comes to Austin almost every year. I'd like to know how his hands are. His nails bust be 1/4" thick!

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Two weeks ago, accordi... · 0 replies · +9 points

He's great in concert. I saw him in Dallas and Amarillo. My Feet Are Smiling is one of my favorite records despite it's recording quality!

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Official Wonkville "Ma... · 0 replies · +8 points

Ah, but think of all the militia members! And their collateral damage!

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Official Wonkville "Ma... · 0 replies · +8 points

<a href="" target="_blank">

… In the US the South remains a distinctive sub-nation, but I think that any serious neo-Confederate revival is, alas, a pipedream. Karlin speculates that the US could break up along ethnocultural and economic lines, like those proposed by Joel Garreau (9 nations) or Colin Woodard (11 nations). Michael H Hart proposed dividing the US into two nations along county lines, to be determined by voting patterns. Basically a red ocean full of blue islands.
I don’t think those scenarios are realistic either. But a return to the Articles of Confederation period (1781-1788) just might be. Before the United States became a unitary nation it was an alliance of sovereign states. The modern template for how this would work is the European Union. Yes, the EU has a terrible reputation in our circles, but the EU is a toothless tiger compared to the all-powerful federal government in the US, and the much-maligned Brussels bureaucracy is positively microscopic compared to the behemoth in DC.
This way the 50 states would become fully sovereign nations, with all the powers that Germany or France or any other countries in the EU enjoy, while still keeping an attachment to the United States, which would transform itself from an independent nation to a transnational organization. The globalists and multiculturalists could have their own nations (e.g. California & New York), and the nationalists and patriots could have theirs (e.g. Texas & Kentucky)…

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Just another example a... · 1 reply · +7 points

I got your Rick Bayless (& his daughter) right here:

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Just another example a... · 3 replies · +7 points

Her's had his sons on his shows! He seemed so mellow.

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Just another example a... · 5 replies · +8 points

And Chef John Besh, who's on PBS. Also the guy that was at the New Republic, some fancy photographer, and Poppy Bush.

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Just another example a... · 1 reply · +7 points

Oh, no, not at all. I'll enjoy the smug feeling that not only did I predict it but there will be far more people living hand-to-mouth like me.

6 years ago @ Wonkville - Trouble staying awake?... · 0 replies · +5 points

Neat! One of those 'flying doomsday command centers' follows Trump wherever he goes:

Bells & whistles: