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9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting that you are confusing "Nation" with "State". You do not need to be an independant country to be a Nation. Nation means broadly "a People".

Are you a haredi ? You speak like one yet describe yourself as a liberal and you chose a name not really well accepted in Jewish tradition.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 2 replies · 0 points

Jews are not a religion but a Nation and always have been and we have always longed to end the exile and go back home and that's what is happening today. Today the vast majority of Jewish kids live in Israel, in a generation the majority of the Jewish people will live in Israel while the diaspora is dying and disappearing. You are so assimilated that you have no future. The only Jews left outside Israel will be a bunch of crazy anti-zionist haredim.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 4 replies · +1 points

Your problem is basically that you are more American than Jewish, you need to chose if you are still part of the Jewish people or if you will disappear. Apparently most US Jews chose the latter path. You are the one separating from us, not the other way around. So once again the ball is in your hands.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 6 replies · +1 points

FIrst, facts: I was speaking of Jewish terrorists held by Israel in recent years. And I guess you do not know that Areas A, B and C are just security areas, Arabs in Area C (less than 3% of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria) are still subjects of the PA and have the rights that this entity gives them.
Israel is not the USA and your problems and issues are not our problems and issues. The "Church-State" separation means something in European and American history, but it is not our history and since we have no "Jewish Church" you are trying to impose a vision that has nothing to do with reality in Israel.
If "liberal" (and by that you mean left-wing, nothing to do with liberalism that is the opposite of left-wing and just means freedom from the government) Jews have a problem with Israel because it does not look like how they think the USA should be, they should review their priorities and their values.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 8 replies · +2 points

1. The fact is that they are not refugees and they say it themselves, they can to work, they are mostly young men, not families, and yes we want to expel them.

2. And it's a problem why ?

3. No, not for Jews, they do not need naturalization, they have the law of return.

4. Arabs in the West Bank live under the Palestinian Authority, not military law.

5. Because everybody knows that what you find on Google in the truth.

6. No idea what Habeas Corpus is outside of a part of British history in the middle ages. I just told you that *Jews* were detained without trial for terrorism.

7. I have to support many things that I do not like with my taxes, like left-wing "arts" and universities. The solution is therefore for the State *NOT* to fund anything. This is the real liberal position.

8. Sorry, so together this is 1.5% of the Jewish population. Once again you want to change things, make aliyah.

9. On the contrary, the disgrace is the fact that the police and the State to dot uphold the law with them and let them do whatever they want.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 11 replies · +3 points

1. This is untrue. The demands are checked.

2. Anybody can go to any public school he wants.

3. You are wrong, there is. The process is limited mostly to spouses of Israelis and people deemed worthy by the State, but it is possible.

4. The "West Bank" is not part of Israel but a territory whose status has not been decided. Arabs in this territory are not Israeli citizens or residents. They have the civil and political liberties given to them by their own government.

5. Flat out lies.

6. This happened to Jews also, this is a consequence of British anti-terrorism laws. It happens that most terrorists are Arabs, go figure.

7. You can practice any religion you wish in Israel it does not mean the State has to fund it.

8. There are almost no Karaite, Conservative or Reform Jews in Israel (altogether less than 1% of Israeli Jews). Orthodox Judaism is the only Judaism know and recognized, but it is not a State religion. Islam and Christian denominations also are recognized by the State and perform weddings. You want other streams to get more power ? Come live here.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Jews are a nation not a religion and Israel is a Jewish State just means Israel is the State of the Jewish people, nothing to do with religion.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Are American Jews Too ... · 13 replies · +1 points

1. Israel has granted asylum and is still granting. The 50 thousands Sudanese and Eritreans in Israel are for the most part not asylum seekers but illegal immigrants job seekers and should be expelled.

2. No idea what this is.

3. Non-Jews can become citizens, by naturalization as in any other country.

4. No idea what you are talking about.

5. Everyone is equal under the law in Israel.

6. I don't know what you mean.

7. There is freedom of religion in Israel.

8. There is no State church in Israel.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Rabbi\'s \'Obama Is Ha... · 4 replies · -11 points

Yes of course, the Israelis have been brainwashed but not you or the American public where the mass media supports any stupidity that Obama utters like he was the Messiah. Very funny.
We Israelis do not trust Obama because he has clearly proved that he is at the minimum clueless about the middle east and that's the optimistic view. More and more people believe that in fact he knows exactly what he is doing and he is supporting Iran against Israel for ideological reasons. Obama is dangerous for Israel, for the USA and for the world.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Can You Vote in France... · 1 reply · -7 points

"The most principled objections have come from the left and NONE from the right."

Not from the left, who supported and even initiated these laws in 1989, but from the multiculturalist far left. And you are wrong there was son objections from the liberal (meaning in France and Europe in general free-market) right.

Let me remind you that I oppose these laws. But France is not the USA and its culture and traditions are different. The laicité is an fundamental part of French modern identity and the way muslims have been trying to express their religious affiliation in the public space is directly in opposition to French values and attitudes. Hence the reaction. They fought the Church much more violently than that. The Jews have a long history of being a minority and internalized the rules very quickly.

"France’s highest court said that a general veil ban would violate French law and the European Convention on Human Rights."

And what does that have to do with Jews ?

"After all, they're part of the ingroup now, so why worry?"

You are aware of what has been happening in France in the last 15 years ? The Jews have in fact been expelled from the in-group (by the same muslims you want them to support and by the complacent majority that does not care at all) and are now leaving and making aliyah in record numbers.