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12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 0 replies · +1 points


12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 2 replies · +1 points

You end by saying Buddhism has helped you "to recognize community, to reach out to others, to remain aware of our interconnectedness." - I would say that Buddhism here in America is still in its infant stage, and that right now is a very exciting time to be a part of that Buddhist community - no matter what the background. I think we could use some more community building and outreach between the various communities out there, informed by a diversity of backgrounds an opinions. Just as you seem to want other people to walk in your shoes and understand your point of view, I hope you can maybe do the same for the people that will read this post. Because, well, this post lacks any view of interconnectedness, and seems to only put up even more barriers between people that are all seeking find that place to call 'home'.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 0 replies · 0 points

Would it be fair to say that after reading the book by the "white man", that since it was stripped of the cultural elements you have found so familiar and comforting and inspirational, that rather than appropriating, it was missing something? I think right now what you'll find is a lot of people trying to fill in what it is that is missing. Some of it clearly misses the mark, but not always.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 0 replies · +2 points

And I think what many converts are after is that part of Buddhism that has remained intact throughout the myriad transformations it has made. Some of them want to create something that is more culturally relevant to them, thereby "stripping' Buddhism of its cultural elements (often referred to as 'baggage'). Others would like to embrace the culture that carried it over here. Some, notably like John Daido Loori, are able to find a delicate balance between Old and New, adapting the dharma for a "Western" audience while not throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater.

But mostly I think you would find if you asked, that those in the "Global North" have embraced Buddhism and are identifying with it because it is something they have been searching for a long time. It is something that feels like "Home".

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 0 replies · +3 points

You feel like those in the Global North are appropriating culture, but I really feel like this is a bit of a generalization and a mischaracterization of intention and practice. Your view is that your culture is being appropriated, but is *that* really what is being appropriated? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems like for you growing up, Buddhism was a *part* of your culture that helped to inform your worldview. But it is also a *part* of the culture of many globally. As it was discussed elsewhere here, Buddhism had moved from country to country, encountering different cultures as it has spread. Each time, it has intertwined with local culture in that each informs the other. So while the book that you read (what book was it?) wouldn't it be fair to say that if you wrote about your experience, there would probably be plenty of POC living in traditional Buddhist that would have a hard time identifying with the cultural elements/lack of cultural elements you would describe?

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 0 replies · +2 points

Would it be fair to say that Buddhism was a *part* of the culture you grew up in? I only ask because I think that while your feelings are (obviously) valid, some of the points you make seem to miss the mark a bit. One of the things I'm wondering is how those in the Global North can at the same time strip a religion of its cultural elements while at the same time appropriate a culture.

12 years ago @ Womanist Musings - The Unbearable Whitene... · 3 replies · +2 points

"vast majority of Western so-called Buddhism is little more that a selective cultural appropriation of bits and pieces of Buddhist teachings with little or no actual comprehension of the various methods and practices."

Can you give some examples to support this assertion? While I don't doubt that there is plenty of McDharma out there, I find it hard to believe that a "vast majority" of teachers out there are peddling it.

Buddhanet has 2618 Buddhist temples, dharma centers and other groups listed in North America. Are you saying that well over 1300 of those are nothing more than a mix of "hippie/New Age/Romantic philosophy with a touch of Buddhism thrown in"? Or is it just that this ends up being a predominant image represented in pop culture and on the shelves of Barnes and Nobles?

13 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - Embrace the Household ... · 0 replies · 0 points

If this were any douchier....

I kid I kid

Very nice John. "I release myself from the expectation of awakening in this lifetime" -what pleasant, refreshing release.

13 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - Genpo Roshi releases n... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - Disrobing Genpo. ~ Bra... · 0 replies · +6 points

I ususally am not a fan of Brad's. No loathing or anything like that, just not my particular cup of tea. But this article absolutely hit the mark. The real tragedy here is that Genpo is going to continue marketing his BS Big Mind while using Zen language, and will continue presenting it in a dharma-flavored way. He is now able to do this completely autonomously. He will continue to stain the dharma by selling it as an experience one can "get". When I first heard that he was disrobing I was hoping he would just go away all together. Sadly that isn't the case.