


178 comments posted · 5 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +2 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


The Blue Dog Democrats rolled over on their backs
And Pelosi and Waxman rubbed their bellies.
They now are back to being the Yellow Dog Democrats
With a backbone and spine made out of jelly.

We admire those with the courage of their convictions
Those who rolled over and decided to cave in
Won’t be re-elected it is our prediction.
Legislation is being shoved down our throats
We will throw it up in their faces with our votes.

Have a good day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


The President is back on the campaign trail
He wants us to keep chasing our tails.
He has the nerve to call average citizens a mob
Because we don’t like the way he is doing his job

The White House and DemocRATS want us to snitch
On our neighbors and friends.
That is lLANGUAGE used in a DICTATORSHIP..
The only thing fishy that we have observed
Is coming from they administration's Chicago script..

We won’t allow this intimidation
By this President and his administration.
We will continue with our demonstrations.
We will go to tea parties and town hall meetings
Our cause is just and will not be fleeting.

We won’t allow the President and DemocRATS to take
Away our freedom of speech and right to dissent
The average people he is targeting truly resent
The unconstitutional actions of this President.
Let’s send him a picture of a fish
Tell him the only thing fishy should be on his dish.

Have a great day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


The President is back on the campaign trail
He wants us to keep chasing our tails.
He has the nerve to call average citizens a mob
Because we don’t like the way he is doing his job

The White House and DemocRATS want us to snitch
On our neighbors and friends.
That is lLANGUAGE used in a DICTATORSHIP..
The only thing fishy that we have observed
Is coming from they administration's Chicago script..

We won’t allow this intimidation
By this President and his administration.
We will continue with our demonstrations.
We will go to tea parties and town hall meetings
Our cause is just and will not be fleeting.

We won’t allow the President and DemocRATS to take
Away our freedom of speech and right to dissent
The average people he is targeting truly resent
The unconstitutional actions of this President.
Let’s send him a picture of a fish
Tell him the only thing fishy should be on his dish.

Have a great day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


The Blue Dog Democrats rolled over on their backs
And Pelosi and Waxman rubbed their bellies.
They now are back to being the Yellow Dog Democrats
With a backbone and spine made out of jelly.

We admire those with the courage of their convictions
Those who rolled over and decided to cave in
Won’t be re-elected it is our prediction.
Legislation is being shoved down our throats
We will throw it up in their faces with our votes.

Have a good day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 1 reply · +3 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


Did you see the faces of the Democrats
At the town hall meetings
When the people shouted back?
The look on their faces was worth
A million.
If we had it on paper it would be
Worth a trillion

The democrats are suffering from
Tea party derangement syndrome
They looked like they lost the
keys to the kingdom

It is time that they stop making comments
That are slanted.
And taking their constituents’ votes
For granted

Have a great day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


The President speaks from both sides
Of his mouth
And that is why his popularity is
Going south.

He lies like a rug whenever he speaks
With a smile on his face and a lift of his chin
He thinks the people are stupid
That they are not on to him.

Not only does he lie but so do
Members of his administration
They don’t think we listen to what
They say to the nation.

Congress doesn’t read the bills that
They vote on and we want to know why
That is their job and the reasons they give
For not reading them we don’t buy.

Do you think we can get the clunkers
On Capitol Hill
To stop throwing our money away
On the Cash for Clunkers bill

They used up the money in just
Four days
We believe that the administration
Is constantly in a daze.

Have a great day!

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:

It’s government of Obama, by Obama,
And for Obama
It is all about Obama and his
Personal dogma.

His ego will not allow him to fail
He will use many techniques
From bullying, bribing and blackmailing
To get what he seeks.

He is overexposing himself and
Repeats himself whenever he speaks.
People are not listening they have been
Tuning him out for several weeks.

A centralized government is his intention
Power and control his motivation
Someone higher up is pulling his strings
History will show us what it brings.

The representatives who go against the
The peoples’ objections
Will pay a price at the polls in
Future elections.

They should not allow the President
To twist their arms
And make them vote for legislation
That will do them political harm.

Have a great day!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 1 reply · +1 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:

The Bully in Chief has spoken regarding National
Health Care and we must quake
At his proclamation that we are going to get it
If we like it or not no matter what is at stake.

This is not about passing Health Care legislation.
We believe it is all about the President’s ego
And his appetite for absolute power and domination.
Over the Congress and people of our nation.

Do you feel that you are living in a
Dictatorship and feeling oppressed?
The President surrounds himself with czars
And has ACORN and affiliates causing distress
As they continue to make Obama come across as a star.

The President has control of the media and the press
He is again going on prime time television to address
The nation regarding National Health Care we assume
He'll have something new to say we presume.

We are tired of seeing Obama's face on TV
This is over saturation of his appeaarances.
He is turning the people off it is plain to see..
Everyone we know changies the station
as fast as can be.

Have! a good day

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

The following reflect our views and opinions:


Do you think that there is something that
Members of Congress are drinking
That is making them legislate without
Even thinking?

It seems that they are living in a vacuum not
Listening to the people at all.
All this is going on while our country
Is in an economic free fall.

To help the economy get back on track
Congress should reduce the Corporate and
Capital gains tax.
This will revive corporations and businesses
So they can hire people back.
More people working, more taxes collected
And that how the deficit goes down as espected.

We should also consider a fair or flat tax.
It will be equitable to all without exception.
We should also consider raising the
Family dependent tax exemption.

We would give a tax deduction to children
Who care for their elderly parents at home.
This will save the costs at nursing home facilities
And the elderly won’t be left alone.

Have a great idea!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

The following reflects our views and opinions:


We feel so disappointed and betrayed
By Wal-Mart.
They buckled under to the administration
And turned
Their backs on those who supported them
From the start.
We hope that the CEOs will have a
Change of heart.

We felt that Wal-Mart was a symbol of the
Free market system
Now they are just like all the rest of those
Who just caved in.

Have a good day!