


878 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 0 replies · +2 points


Simon, just FYI, There's no their there.


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 0 replies · +2 points


Nothing is as smelly as yo momma's cunt which you crawled out of yeeeccchhh...


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 0 replies · +2 points


UAF are nothing but useful idiots for islamo-fascism.

I have only contempt for them.

Self-hating TRAITORS.


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 1 reply · +2 points


WTF! If it weren't for US these savages wouldn't even know what a toilet is. LOL WTF!

By the way I read their great FÜHRER moHAMed liked to drink CAMEL PISS.

So be a good little arselifting bum waggler now and be off to have a pint of camel piss!


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - Head of the OIC Warns ... · 1 reply · +2 points


I mean they're free to leave anytime.. we're not holding them back.

so what does this bum waggling arselifter REALLY want?


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - Head of the OIC Warns ... · 1 reply · +2 points


This insane-odogluglu or whatever the F*xk his name is more than INSANE.
He's a moslem.!!!!


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 1 reply · +2 points


Simon, is your last name Quisling or is it perhaps Chamberlain?


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 1 reply · +2 points


Hey ba'alla worshipping arselifter: GET OUT of Britain if you don't like them!

It's quite clear they don't like you, so why stay?

Don't u have some islamic hellhole.. er.. I mean paradise.. to go home to?

Bloody bum waggler..

14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 1 reply · +2 points


Arselifters.. even BETTER than BUMWAGGLERS!


14 years ago @ Politically Incorrect ... - British Police Blackma... · 1 reply · +2 points


Is it legal to say that I have "prophet" moHAM-Ed toilet paper?

If it isn't legal then of course I won't say it :-)
