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11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +5 points



11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +3 points

By weird reaction, he meant sleep it off and ignore everything, I totally get what he means. Because really, Duncan's indifference to everything which he feels isn't remotely concerned to him is why he's so greatly frustrating as a character. Like, I don't think he remembers (except for that one episode he mentioned that he didn't steal V from Logan) that L and V were even together, or doesn't think they even felt anything more than platonic feelings for each other. The way he shrugged the whole thing off in this episode after seeing his best friend ans his girl friend who had a romantic history together all hushed up in a corner discussing something fervently makes me think that this guy must be so secured in the relationship. Or then again, it must be a case of really bad acting.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +6 points

And it's really funny how we, the audience, feel the awkwardness between Logan and Veronica because we know their history, but it feels like Duncan is oblivious to all of this. It's like he forgets that his best friend and his girlfriend used to be together, or rather, he dismisses it as nothing to be worried about. That, or the acting's really bad on Duncan's part.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +1 points

Felt the same too. Gur svefg gvzr V jngpurq NGggQ, jura Ybtna jnf "V pna'g gnxr gung V uheg lbh jura nyy V jnagrq gb qb vf cebgrpg lbh, V ernyyl obhtug vg. Ng gung cbvag, V sryg gung gurer jnf ab jnl ur jnf cynaavat ba uhegvat Irebavpn. Znlor vg jnf gur npgvat, be gur encvq punenpgre qrirybczrag jr fnj bire gur rcvfbqrf, ohg jr fnj ubj Ybtna jnf fb vairfgrq va Irebavpn. Ur fgbbq hc sbe ure, pbafbyrq ure bire ure encr; ng gur fnzr gvzr, fur jnf gur bar tbbq guvat va uvf yvsr. Ur jnf va ab jnl tbvat gb spx vg hc abj.

Jr xabj guvf, ohg Irebavpn qbrfa'g. Znlor gung'f jul nf n ivrjre, V ernyyl sryg fbeel sbe Ybtna jura fur ena njnl vzzrqvngryl jvgubhg pbasvezvat vs ur ernyyl qvq frg hc gur pnzrenf. Naq vg sryg jrveq, gbb. Va gur arkg rcvfbqr, fur qvqa'g rira obgure gb pnyy uvz bhg ba vg, vs V erzrzore pbeerpgyl. Guvf vf gbgnyyl pbagenqvpgbel gb ure angher juvpu nyjnlf NYJNLF frrxf bhg gur gehgu. Ybtna'f frrzf gb or gur rkprcgvba.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 1 reply · +9 points

"I admit to feeling strange about how quickly Veronica forgave Logan for being the one to drug Duncan? That’s weird."

V guvax Irebavpn arire ernyyl shyyl sbetnir Ybtna sbe guvf, naq nyy gur uheg ur'f pnhfrq ure nsgre nyy gurfr lrnef, gou. Jvgu Ybtna, fur'f dhvpxre gb dhvpxre gb whqtr naq dhvpxre gb dhvg, gehfg vffhrf nfvqr.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 1 reply · +2 points

V'z erjngpuvat naq nz pheeragyl va frnfba 2, naq VGN jvgu jung lbh fnvq. Ur'f yvxr bar fgrc sbejneq, naq 3 fgrcf onpx, ohg vg'f gbgnyyl haqrefgnaqnoyr. Nf jung ur fnvq va AvgJ, "Zl zbz vf qrnq! Zl tveysevraq vf qrnq! Zl qnq vf n zheqrere! Naq gur bayl crefba V fgvyy pner nobhg vf qhzcvat zr. Lbh guvax V'z univat sha?" Cyhf, ur trgf npphfrq bs zheqre, naq uvf ynfg tveysevraq trgf gbtrgure jvgu uvf orfgsevraq. Ur'f nyybjrq gb or ovggre naq fnepnfgvp, zrguvaxf. Naq qba'g trg zr fgnegrq ba gur Unaanu guvat...

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +2 points

V jnf ernyylll ernyyl cvffrq bss nobhg gung srngherggr. Vg jbhyq unir orra jbaqreshy vs gurl fubjrq vg nf gung: Ybtna naq Irebavpn orvat nyy Rcvp, naq cnffvbangr naq gentvp naq njshy naq jbaqreshy nyy ng gur fnzr gvzr. Ohg AB, gurl erqhprq Ybtna gb guvf onq obl fgrerbglcr naq uvf nggenpgvba gb Irebavpn nf frkhny purzvfgel. Ybtna vf FB ZHPU ZBER, naq vg cvffrf zr bss gb ab raq jura ur vf pbzcnerq gb Cvm, jub unf bayl orra va gur fubj sbe jung-- 8 rcf? Fbzrbar jub unf ab punenpgre qrirybczrag, onpxfgbel, ab vffhrf ng nyy? Bs pbhefr ur'yy frrz avpr, orpnhfr gung'f jung gur bayl nqwrpgvir gung svgf sbe fbzrbar jub jr xabj fb yvggyr nobhg. Naq bs pbhefr ur'yy srry fnsr. Gung'f jul univat Cvm gurer vf n qvffreivpr gb nyy 3 frnfbaf bs Ybtna, jub jr'ir frra tebj naq fgehttyr jvgu uvf vffhrf.

Boivbhfyl, V unir n ybg bs srryvatf nobhg guvf.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 0 replies · +1 points

The devour part, I got from this. SPOILERS MAY ABOUND

Aaaand the crying part, I got from their panel interview in SDCC 2013. WARNING, Spoilery spoils
Here's a link: []

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 2 replies · +8 points

More on the kiss, I've read in an interview that Rob Thomas he wanted Jason to "devour", but that Jason didn't, because that first kiss turned out to be so sweet instead. Ebo Gubznf fnvq Wnfba qrsvavgryl qribherq va gur onguebbz znxr-bhg fprar va Z.N.Q. gubhtu.

Also, Rob Thomas said he totally cried when he rewatched that scene. Even the creator ships it, how can you not

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Veronica... · 1 reply · +2 points

I have reservations hfvat YbIr gubhtu. Erzrzore gung jr ner yrq gb fhfcrpg Ybtna (1) orvat Yvyyl'f zheqrere (2) orvat Irebavpn'f encvfg, orsber gur frnfba raqf. Gb anzr n fuvc nsgre Ybtna jbhyq znxr n snveyl tbbq vzcerffvba gung ur vfa'g ernyyl nal bs gur gjb, orpnhfr ernyyl, jub jbhyq fuvc gur gvghyne punenpgre jvgu n zheqrere be n encvfg, ab?