


40 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ Doorframes of TaterHouse - You’re gonna do ... · 1 reply · +1 points

You're tossing good fodder today Ryan! I stopped several minutes before commenting to reflect on a couple of key points for me:

'...because when someone explains their reckless obedient story all we focus on is the reckless part.'

'What if Jesus had chosen safe obedience?'

Good stuff brother. Although you don't seem old enough to be making Top Gun references.

14 years ago @ Doorframes of TaterHouse - I Forget. · 1 reply · +1 points

Thank God He never forgets! I tried to forget Him once in my life, and I'm so thankful He didn't return the favor.

14 years ago @ Doorframes of TaterHouse - 6 Things you should ch... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good stuff, I love bacon.

14 years ago @ Shooting the Breeze - 7 questions to ask bef... · 1 reply · +1 points

You always have the best pictures Kevin!

Good stuff for all bloggers.
My recent post Oh no...what have you started!

14 years ago @ Greg Atkinson - Your Theories on LOST · 0 replies · +1 points

Ended with a New Age philosophy bang! 'As long as you're a good person...there are many ways to heaven. No single religion or belief system is the only way.'

Oprah Winfrey could have written the finale all by herself...

I've been a huge fan of the show, and I'm trying to keep in perspective it's science fiction...and also faith fiction.

14 years ago @ The Church of No People - Memo to All the \"Spir... · 0 replies · +2 points

'You can't get any better than invoking the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit is being used like the teenage swimsuit girl every youth group lets hold the sign to advertise the carwash.'

This and the one Kathy pointed out are two of the best lines in a blog...ever! I can think of these things but don't have the kahunas to write them. are my kinda guy brother. Tell it like it is!

My recent post President Obama cancels National Day of Prayer...I don't think so.

14 years ago @ Doorframes of TaterHouse - 4th Inning – The... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dude...I'm crying from laughing!

I've never heard that bit...oh, I must share! Thanks Ryan...Holy Cow!

14 years ago @ Shooting the Breeze - What makes a movement? · 3 replies · +1 points

I used the exact same video for a completely different analogy a few months back for our youth group at church!

That was a great lesson on leadership. The first follower is very crucial to any new movement. Great stuff Kevin.
My recent post Revisionist only succeed if the majority remain silent...

14 years ago @ Shooting the Breeze - What\'s the worst job ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Roofing one the South! I was the 'stout' one of our crew, so I got to carry the shingle bundles up the ladder. Talk about hot, hard work. I earned my pay that summer.
My recent post Revisionist only succeed if the majority remain silent...

14 years ago @ Doorframes of TaterHouse - 3rd Inning - Balance · 1 reply · +2 points

Great point Ryan. I have many times in my life not been centered. My deceased grandfather use to remind me, 'When you're hip deep in snapping turtles, it's too late to think about draining the pond!'

That's exactly where I've found myself each time I've drifted away from being centered on a world of trouble.