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12 years ago @ Boston Sports Media Wa... - Sox September Swoon Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

i haven't read any of jm's columns since her outrage over belichick bumping into, and accidently knocking down, a photographer at the end of a game. of course, she was only angry because the photographer was HER FRIEND and thus, she stepped on her soapbox and aired her personal gripes. she’s just another boston sports media hack who either makes themselves part of the story or takes out the wet blanket when the natives are too happy for their tastes.

16 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Famous Failures · 0 replies · +1 points

funny thing about Jordan is that he was an absolute stud his senior year and recruited to north carolina. i've always wondered if there was another reason he got cut his junior year. on that note, lebron james was cut from his varsity high school squad as well...of course, he was only 5 years old at the time, but still....

on a serious note, to a large degree overcoming adversity defines a person. i think rudyard kipling nailed it in his poem IF. to paraphrase, success and failure are both imposters and should be treated the same. of course, it's much easier stated than done.