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8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 2 replies · +29 points

Not to defend Trump - ever - but the reason you haven't been seeing it because the story is essentially unverifiable for some really sketchy reasons:

tl:dr - Jezebel, among other publications, were shopped this story months ago by a man - a tabloid producer, I think? - who had come across this info and was trying to sell it. Every time they have tried to get into contact with the victim (even to just confirm her existence) they are stonewalled by by one of the men involved ranging from her lawyer to the head of some random anti-Trump conservative group who has nothing to do with the case, but claimed he knew her. The address on the court docs turned out to be a foreclosed house that no one has lived in since it's owner died last year. A supposed video of her appeared, but she's wearing a wig and has her face pixelated out. No one has yet been able to confirm "Katie Johnson" is the plaintiff - no news publication has met her, anonymously or not.

I'd believe near anything of Trump and I don't care about smears to his reputation. But I do care about accuracy in reporting, and there's good reason no one wanted to pick this story up.

The whole thing is worth a read.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +4 points

I believe it was. I handwave her knowing because the moment was so poignant.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +15 points

I loved it. This wasn't a perfect season, but the showrunners had to deal with a very shortened episode order AND the network forcing the numbers on them (instead of fully serializing the AI war like they wanted to). I think overall they did a good job, and nailed the finale. I started crying during the last fifteen minutes and just kept going, but they were good tears.

Reese's death was perfect. It was the end he deserved. The little smile when he sees Harold leaving the roof!

"She wanted to tell you that if you were a shape, you'd be a straight line. An arrow."

And Shaw being the inheritor of the mission, the one to ultimately carry the torch - so, so good. The face of the future is a bisexual woman of color, not the white guys they started with. I don't think I've ever seen a show do that before.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +3 points

I think it's for sure a real ending - bringing the show back would just drag it out, I think.

8 years ago @ The Toast - The Toast Looks Back: ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Oh man, that Alex and Olivia one led me back to 272 Views of Law & Order SVU, which is one of the greatest pieces of horror fiction ever.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +9 points

I just found out Lois Duncan died! Sad news. Her books always felt vaguely scandalous to me, even though there wasn't really anything adult in them. Except for murder.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 7 replies · +35 points

But the idea that dead people shouldn't be outed is rooted in the notion that being gay is something shameful, something to be kept secret. And that to do otherwise is airing dirty laundry. Or speaking 'ill' of the dead.

I believe the living have the right to choose their own level of privacy. But Ronnie Roberts isn't alive any more. This can't hurt him. The author didn't even write anything negative about the man.

You know what certainly did hurt him, though? The lie he had to live under, and the one his family made sure stayed in place. It may even have killed him. But if the author doesn't own that story than neither do they. Sunlight is a disinfectant. I say let it in.

8 years ago @ The Toast - If Sarah Paulson Were ... · 0 replies · +8 points

I have been waiting for this my whole life.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Horrifying Stories Mad... · 3 replies · +37 points

I suddenly understand what everyone is talking about re: Harlan Ellison now. Why is so much classic scifi LIKE this??

It doesn't even make sense. She's made out to be some kind of nymphomaniac and yet she doesn't have orgasms? What?

8 years ago @ The Toast - Horrifying Stories Mad... · 0 replies · +10 points

This is the first time I have read it but I assure you Mallory's version is better.