


68 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ TheBlogosfer.com | SEO... - Joomla vs Wordpress vs... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hello, first of all thanks for your comment. I also sick wit the wars of the CMSs users. For your information, I have only 2 Joomla powered sites, while I have tens of Wordpress powered site. I don't care what CMS the reader will choose, because I believe they can success with any CMS. All we need is jut to master our choice.

14 years ago @ Berbicara dengan Alam ... - Demi Tuhan, Post Kali ... · 0 replies · +1 points

aku berhak atas discount review kali ini karena: aku yakin cara ini akan membantuku meraih impianku mendapatkan 4 digit dollar sebulan :D

saran buat produknya: kalo boleh pembeli dikasih lisensi MRR :)

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14 years ago @ Berbicara dengan Alam ... - Demi Tuhan, Post Kali ... · 0 replies · +1 points

aku berhak atas free review kali ini karena: aku yakin cara ini akan membantuku meraih impianku mendapatkan 4 digit dollar sebulan :D

saran buat produknya: kalo boleh pembeli dikasih lisensi MRR :)

14 years ago @ TheBlogosfer.com | SEO... - Joomla vs Wordpress vs... · 0 replies · 0 points

Actually I am not interested in replying this comment. However, I just want to make something clear. If you said I am not experienced in using the 3 CMSs, yes you right, but not completely right! I am the user of Joomla and Wordpress for a long time.

My purpose to write this "messy" article is not to recommend a CMS, say the lacks, but I just want to say to the reader that whatever CMS they use, they can be success! I am not a Joomla fanatic, wordpress fanatic, drupal fanatic, and I am not the Joomla hater, Wordpress hater, and Drupal hater. I believe everyone can be success though they use any CMS.


14 years ago @ TheBlogosfer.com | SEO... - Quality Backlinks With... · 0 replies · +1 points

1. Of course original URL is better than redirection like bit.ly
2. You should comment with the page that you want to optimize. If you want to optimize your article, not the main address, fill the article URL there. It will help you rank better :D

14 years ago @ TheBlogosfer.com | SEO... - 5 Tips to Save Bandwidth · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for visiting my blog..

I deleted the search function because of some reason. However, you can type on google: your "keyword site:theblogosfer.com" without the quotes to search this blog.


14 years ago @ Berbicara dengan Alam ... - Ya, Judul Post ini ada... · 0 replies · +2 points

intinya jangan membanding-bandingkan ya mas? keren..
begitulah banyak orang2 tua.. kalo anaknya ada salah: "liat tuh si anu, dia banyak belajar, bisa juara 1 dikelas, disukai banyak orang, blablablabla"

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14 years ago @ Berbicara dengan Alam ... - Tekun Bukan Pangkal Ke... · 0 replies · +2 points

semoga masuk UGM, abangku juga sudah masuk UGM :D

ya betul om Alam merencanakannya untuk gagal, karena copy paste ke iklan baris pasti tak akan efektif =/ Mas Alam hanya kurang TEKUN membuat kata2 berbeda di setiap iklan barisnya :)
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14 years ago @ TheBlogosfer.com | SEO... - Joomla vs Wordpress vs... · 0 replies · +2 points

Agree with you mate, I love wordpress because it is easy to build, and Joomla because the features.

14 years ago @ Berbicara dengan Alam ... - Alat Berpikir Super Pe... · 0 replies · +3 points

Banyak saksi hidup menyatakan banyak anak memang banyak rejeki....
sewaktu anaknya kuliah, mereka bisa menyekolahkannya dan mencukupi biayanya... tetapi setelah anaknya tamat dia tidak bertambah kaya juga... keman uangnya? Jadi memang Tuhan akan mencukupkan kebutuhan kita, dan rejeki akan diberikan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan anak ^_^
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