


24 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Kyron bracelets are lo... · 0 replies · +13 points

How absolutely giving of this womans time. I pray always for kyron and for his bio parents. Keep the faith Desiree and Kaine. Miacles always happen!! I truly believe that kyron is still alive. He will be found soon! I will surely buy one of those bracelets. Keep the faith kaine and desiree!! Kyron is out there somewhere!! Blessings and all my prayers!!!

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Kyron’s parents ... · 0 replies · +30 points

My heart weighs heavy about this case. So terribly sad that any human being and yes I'm talking about the cold hearted "red head" would and could be so cold to sit back and watch endless searchers look for this boy and watch endless tears run down the faces of Kaine and Desiree. How sick do you have to be to watch this and know what happend to sweet adorable kyron? I can't wait for the day Terri is arrested and it's coming no doubt. My prayers are still and will always be with Kyron and his bio parents. Blessings to you all!!! This case makes me so angry!!!!

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Kyron’s parents ... · 0 replies · +19 points

Hmmm....lets see you solve this case you cold hearted snake!!!! Never give up hope it's all these parents have and we as a community. What a horrible thing for you to think!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - $50K Reward Brings In ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Don't ever give up hope Kaine,Desiree and Kyron!!! Read the bible verse "Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through christ who strengthens me!!!!" Stay strong stay united and PRAY!!!! I can't wait for the day Terri gets arrested!! I'm patiently waiting and it's gonna happen folks it's coming soon!!! Kyron has the sweetest smile ever!!! love and blessings to you little guy.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - $50K Reward Brings In ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I agree with you!!! I pray too that they will arrest Terri and bring home kyron alive. It's still possible he is alive. I can't wait for the day for terri to be arrested but most of all for kyron to come home "alive and well" to his bio parents. My heart weighs heavy for their devestation and hurt. Blessings don't ever give up home Kaine,Desiree and Kyron!!! Read the bible verse "Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through christ who strengthens me!!!!" Stay strong stay united and PRAY!!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 2 Months Later, Where ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I am in such agreement with you!!! Terri was guilty from day one with her ridiculous fake tears!! I can't wait for her arrest. It's coming soon. Kaine,desiree and Tony stay strong and keep the faith. Miracles happen all the time. I am truly sorry this has happened to you and kyron. For everything satan has taken from you God will repay you double for your troubles. Blessings to the three of you and I pray every day for Kyron!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - 2 Months Later, Where ... · 0 replies · +10 points

I agree with VTLady!! Terri is soooooo guilty!!! Just look at her fake tears and crystal clear guilty body language from day one. God is our greatest vindicator and she will be arrested soon I truly believe. It's right around the corner!!! To kayne,Desiree and Tony "God's word does not return void" It accomplishes what it was sent to do. The word of God is seed, and when we release it in the earth,(our confessions and faith) we will see good results" Keep the faith all of you I picked out a star in the sky for Kyron and pray that he returns safe. I truly believe in my heart he is still alive and God will bless you 10 folds in the days ahead no matter what the outcome!!! Stay strong and pray!!! Blessings to kyron!!!

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Kyron\'s Parents Say T... · 0 replies · +1 points

ALL of you who claim that kyron's bio parents are guilty are just a few french fries short of a happy meal!!! HOW dare you all!!! Have you ever been in their shoes? Probably not!!! get a revelation all of you folks who have a bunch of thumbs down. Kayne,desiree and Toney keep the faith for our God is our greatest vindicator and healer. I pray for your peace and for kyron's safe return every day and of course pray for an arrest that will come about soon with the crazy step mom"Terri". SOMEONE who has info please let it be known and let this sweet boy come home for closure and happiness. This is one sad story and should of never happened. Terri your day of arrest is coming soon. Your body language in the first press conference gave it away right from the get start. Her rolling eyes and fake tears are so pathetic and makes me mad every time I see it.

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - WW report: Kaine wishe... · 0 replies · +3 points

This story is a big "heart breaker" Kaine and Desiree don't ever give up hope!!! All your blessings will be returned to you 10 folds for all the pain you are feeling. Terri no matter what will get her day in hell!!! Look at what happend with OJ Simpson, karma came back and bit him big time!!! The same will happen for Miss Terri as well. I can't wait for an arrest to happen on that woman. I pray every day for the family and Kyron and for his safe return. I do believe in Miracles!!! God ~Bless to the family!!!

14 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Father: Kyron Horman I... · 0 replies · +26 points

Kaine keep positive and keep the faith!!! I admire your spirit and faith!!! This has got to be the hardest thing for someone to go through. I pray for kyron, desiree and you every day!!! Miracles happen always!!!