Sunil Joseph

Sunil Joseph


20 comments posted · 87 followers · following 8

16 years ago @ Lost in thought - Thumbi Vaa - Olangal (... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, right now it doesn't look as if this is in the first page anymore :-(. I had noticed a lot of keyword traffic and knew it was high on rankings, but didn't check how high.

Let me guess, are you a Malayali working abroad and missing home?

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - India blamed for food ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Exactly my point.. unfortunately, US had to 'ask' India to take the comment positively. That was a moment of national shame. The blame falls squarely on the media and politicians. Politicians for using the silliest excuse to bicker against each other and media for supporting short sighted political agenda to increase the bottom line and to enforce their political view on the common man.

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - I Survived · 0 replies · +1 points

Lady, you confused me for a while with the Monsieur bit. Then I read what I had written finally 'there was light'. But you should have called me 'Signor' or 'Signore' if you must insist ;-) because I just found kissing hands is more Italian than French. French usually kiss both cheeks. Blame it all on Hollywood, anything romantic they want it to be French.

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - I Survived · 0 replies · +1 points

thank you, thank you... oh thank you soooo much...(on my knees kissing ur hands) :D Now I can sleep with the satisfaction that I have a good template.

Seriously, thanks for helping me choose a good one.

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - To Do List, aka My Will · 0 replies · +1 points


is it the color, the whole template or the layout?

suggestions? help???

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - aybukhiawog.blogspot.c... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yea, I know... I am looking at a few templates, but got two problems and one excuse.

Prob 1. I am not really good at choosing anything that involves colors; I am not color blind, but somehow I have no sense of color combinations. I still ask my Mom or Sisters to pick up shirts for me ;-)

Prob 2. There are a lot of codes in the template from various sites. It will take some time find those codes and copy it to another template.

Excuse: I am thinking about custom domain and hosting using Wordpress.

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - aybukhiawog.blogspot.c... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you telling me you are not? I could have sworn you were a tomboy.. too bad. :D just kidding.

I am thinking of an experiment where " I " try to figure out girls. Problem is, at the place I work, the men/women ratio is around 25:1, so it has to be a really unlucky day for me if I have to talk to a girl; kidding again. :D

You know what? There are better things to do than figure out what the opposite gender. I think I will wait until I find someone worth figuring out. ;-) ; not kidding. :D

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - aybukhiawog.blogspot.c... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have taken a shot at it... but no luck.

Carry on the torch, and if you fail, get someone else to carry it. Somehow we got to get a commitment from her. ;-)

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - aybukhiawog.blogspot.c... · 0 replies · +1 points

I got one word for you...

Escapist... :P

16 years ago @ Flyin' on a wing ... - Baby Diaper Moustache · 0 replies · +1 points

That is too bad, well I guess I will just have to go through it once in a while like I been doing for some time..